Monday 080714

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


21, 15, and 9 reps, for time of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Rx'd weight for women is 85 pounds. Scale where necessary.

Welcome back Kylie, even if it is only for one day.

"Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare their achievements with those of other people"

Nido Qubein

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16 Responses to "Monday 080714"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Good morning, I scaled "elizabeth" 63# in 15:10. Jeff give your shoulder a rest, I hope it feels better.
  3. zj Says:
  4. 14:52.
    Cleans felt really good.
  5. ZachR Says:
  6. 13:42 Rx'd

    Cleans felt very good today although I resorted to dropping the weight each rep because my hands are still torn up. The ring dips were also much better than last time we did them. First time doing Elizabeth and was happy with my time.

    Great job 6am class.
  7. paul Says:
  8. jeff, i hope you aren't going to join the bum shoulder club! it's no fun!

    noon class: you guys are rock stars! that looked BRUTAL!

    I did a variation on Christine, with 400s subbed for rowing. 10:20. i still can't breathe right.
  9. Melissa B Says:
  10. Well I learned that I still don't have dip muscles. Ang and I broke it up into 3 sets of 7,5,3 so that we could get through the dips and Angela could. I made it through 21, then tried a handstand pushup and then went to regular pushups. So overall Elizabeth kicked my a** but I'll get her next time :P

    Awesome job 12pmers esp Angela!!!!! sorry about my PPA
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Thanks guys! That was so hard! It took forever- thanks for letting me finish Joe, even though I hated you for most of that WOD. I think I broke up every set of the bar dips... I finished one at a time. I got my ass kicked today! I still feel shitty!
    Great job to everyone else at noon!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Worked on form with the cleans (still got a way to go) so used 65#. Did jumping bar dips and broke the whole thing up 7-7-7 5-5-5 3-3-3. 16:40 What a way to spend an vacation day from work. Way to go noon class.
  15. Greg MO Says:
  16. 9:34 rxd...
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. so i was solo at 3 until blas showed up! good to see you, by the way.
    joe decided to torture me since i cant do dips yet. i did 11-10-8-7-5-4 of 53# cleans and pushups. i can barely move my arms. finished in 10:48 i think. that was horrible. i might try to do the main site later tonight while zachr plays softball...we'll see.
    reba, your sunglasses are in the office on the bookshelf closer to the locker rooms. had a great time this weekend girls!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Mikayla I hope you come tonight at 7:30...otherwise I'll be scaling this workout by myself!
    And nooners...I'll be joining you now since my summer class gets out in enough time to just walk to the fieldhouse and work out! I've heard you all are strong and I'm nervous!!!!

    Mel C
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. so i only did 75 pounds because 85 was really heavy. i did all the dips, but not on the rings. it took me a long time- like 17 minutes. oh well.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Thanks Lindsey. I guess it is just squats and sit up this week for me. I started out ok during the warm-up, but then my shoulder started hurting again.

    WOD = DNS (Did Not Start)
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 7:30 class is awesome!! Thanks to Ricky for sticking with everyone and helping us nail down form - its amazing how it comes together when you finally get it!! Its like the lightbulb moment - "ahhhhh"

    We all went in pairs and I have no clue how long it took.

    cleans....started at 73lbs then went up to 77lbs so i could use the green plates and drop them as much as I wanted....

    ring dips were a B*TCH, but I eeked those out in singles towards the end, missing lockout a few times and having to start over...boy doesn't that suck.
  27. BC Says:
  28. Just like Reba (who really rocked it by the way) I had that "a-ha" moment where I realized what it feels like when I do a clean correctly versus how much it sucks when I do it incorrectly. I also learned the difference between catching the bar on my shoulders and not my adams apple...ow. I did 85# on the cleans and then did negative dips mixed with elevated pushups. Great job by the entire 7:30 crew, and I second the thank you to Ricky for doing such a great job of working with all of us given such a large group. See everyone tomorrow afternoon.
  29. A Says:
  30. Thank you so much, Ricky and Libby for really helping with form!

    I believe I was the last one done. Since I started on the rings, I thought I could just leave out the last set of cleans. lol. After a brief rest, the last 9 didn't seem so bad! Ah, dips. I am getting better! One day, day. Nice job to EVERYONE in the 7:30 class! You guys were awesome!
  31. kahrs Says:
  32. This one was pretty brutal, the first round of Cleans was the worst. Had to do jumping dips with negatives. High rep Cleans get me every time, driving out of the squat kills me. Think I finished 18:30. Everyone at 7:30 did great.

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