Friday 110722

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
3 rounds of:
15 Pull ups
25 Push ups
35 Air Squats

2 rounds of:
10 Kettlebell Swings, 2/1.5 pood
20 Single Arm DB Push Press (alternating), 45#/30#
Walking Lunges, 30 steps

1 round of:
10 Overhead Squats, 154#/104# (no rack)

All three sequences are to be completed back to back within a 20 minute cut-off. Scale as necessary to try and finish workout, either by reps, weight, or both. No bands for pull ups. Substitute either super slow negatives or inverted pull ups.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

One of my favs.

Hey guys, there is still plenty of room for golfing, after party, or both. If you have the open date, we'd love to have you come out and spend some time with us. Don't miss out on great opportunities like this. It's all about community. When people know and care about the person working out next to them, they push and cheer them on. They high five them when the workout is over. They talk about how hard it was. This all begins by getting to know other members during community events like this one.

You can register by clicking HERE.

For golfing, you can find anyone that would like to golf with you, inside or outside the gym.

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15 Responses to "Friday 110722"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. Came in feeling like someone was punching me in the ribs, so did option B using 1.5 pood for KBS, 35 for DB PP, and 110 for OHS. 13:57. Back actually felt better at the end of the workout.
    Good work morning monsters!
  3. Addi Says:
  4. John Snodgrass - don't know if you saw my message the other day, or if you've already talked to Ben or Josh. We're still looking for a 4th (as far as I know - they never tell me anything! ha), so if you're still looking for a team, we'd love to have you!
  5. john Says:
  6. Went with Option B and wimped out on the OHD squats with 88#. Finished at 14:56. Wished I went with 110#, but I my time would definitely suffer.

    Great workout Team CFO - keep these coming.

    Awesome showing for the 6am crew - Great job everyone!
  7. BC Says:
  8. 15:10 option B, 110# OHS. Option B was 10/20/30 for pullups/pushups/air squats; 8/16/24 for KB swings (1.5 pood)/push press (40#DB)/walking lunges; OHS were still 10 reps.

    I really liked this workout, lots of variety and just the right amount of hurt. Probably could've pushed a little harder, esp through the 2nd phase, but overall a good Friday finisher. Nice work morning monsters!
  9. Jess Says:
  10. 16:38 doing option B which was 10/20/30-inverted pullups, pushups from knees on 1 red bumper, air squats; 8/16/24-trainer for KB swings, 25# DB for PP, walking lunges; OHS used 63#

    Nice job 6am!


    Just wanted to let everyone know that Brian and I found out yesterday that we are having a GIRL!!! We will soon be starting our very own girls basketball team at our house. The spots are filling up. :)
  11. BigD Says:
  12. Jess and Brian, congrats on the upcoming baby girl!
  13. Mark Says:
  14. For all you coconut cater lovers, Amazon has a pretty good deal on Vita Coco 17 ounce boxes. Get 2-12packs for $35 shipped with subscribe and save on the promo code "VITACO43" That's less than $1.50 per or about half what it costs at the store.

    Must order two to get free shipping and you can cancel the subscribe and save immediately after your order. See the link below:
  15. Mark Says:
  16. Sorry, here is the link... hopefully.

    Vita Coco
  17. Allison H :) Says:
  18. Talk about having fun while working out! I loved this one. A lot of changing it up for different rounds of things!
    I did opt c ~ 5/15/25 pull, push, sqauts. 8/16/24 kbs 1 pood, db push 20#, lunges. 63# OHS.
    Prob should have done opt b. attempted 77# ohs and didn't think in the end I could have made it, but maybe I should have done that too. shoulda, woulda, coulda... oh well I had fun and got a great workout from this bad boy!
    so awesome to see a big noon class full of people kicking their own ass and pushing through everything! great work everyone!!!!!
  19. paul Says:
  20. very impressive work by the nooners. not sure who impresses me more--the veterans who manage stay motivated month after month, or the new folks who sweat through this new kind of pain. (or is it option C: myself, for being so strong and good looking? just seeing if anyone reads this.)

    i got my ass handed to me today. i hope we do a lot more WODs that involve this level of output for 20 mins. it's my biggest weakness. some part of me just shut off after about 12 min, and i got really slow and just had to keep telling myself not to quit.

    DNF, option A, 132 OHS. Got 3 OHS before time ran out.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Did option A in 16:25 RX.....

    These OHS at 155# at the end were BRUTAL! I got to the OHS in decent time. I was there at about 12:50, but it took me over three minutes to bang out 10 reps at 155. I was really, really, upset about that.

    Good work at noon especially to Sahar, Jess, and Jake who all worked out close to me and all finished in a solid time!

    Then Kyle came in and showed us all how it was done! Nice work to Kyle as well!

    Have a good weekend everybody!
  23. jakeH Says:
  24. 15:44 rx'd

    Things were going great until the end. The squats and lunges made the OHS more difficult. I probably spent 5 minutes on the OHS because of shoulder pain today. Ouch. Either way it was fun times.
  25. Addi Says:
  26. 17:00 option gimpy knees

    Working on fixing up my knees before the games, so I babied them a little today. Scaled the air squats and lunges down to 10 nice and slow per round, and OHS to 20 @ 33#. Tried to push hard through the rest. Pullups and pushups felt stronger than usual. Accidentally did 20 pullups the first round. The hardest part of this workout was switching hands on those damn push press.
  27. John Snodgrass Says:
  28. Addi --Celeste has reminded me I will be in Okoboji that weekend. I cannot play but appreciate you offer ad I know that would have been fun.
  29. ZachR Says:
  30. Option B but with 2pd swings


    I don't think I could have gone rx'd and finished sub 20 so I was happy with my intensity level on option B

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