Rest Day
Make up one of the last three workouts from the previous cycle.
Check out the workout for the next day on LogWod. You should have an account. If you do not, set one up and email me with what email you used to sign up with and I'll add you to the gym. LogWod is a valuable tool and everyone should be using it.
As an incentive to get more people to post their results there (as well as here), I will post the next day's workout.
Post thoughts to comments.

Megan G about to come through the finish line during the 1440 meter run.
We will be hosting the second round of team tryouts on May 14th, 15th, and 16th. If you took part in the first team tryouts and/or completed at least 3 of the 5 workouts by the Tuesday of that weekend, you are eligible to tryout again.
Joe has come up with the workouts and will release them this upcoming Sunday. He has informed me that they will be very balanced workouts that take into consideration all modalities, weights, reps, and time domains. He also said that there will be no sneaky stuff, fluff, or exceedingly long workouts. Everything will be straightforward and classic.
This tryout is meant to find the best 6 people to represent our gym at the world games. We are going with the intention of winning the affiliate cup. I encourage all who are eligible to compete in two weeks. It will be fun.
More info to come.
Joe has come up with the workouts and will release them this upcoming Sunday. He has informed me that they will be very balanced workouts that take into consideration all modalities, weights, reps, and time domains. He also said that there will be no sneaky stuff, fluff, or exceedingly long workouts. Everything will be straightforward and classic.
This tryout is meant to find the best 6 people to represent our gym at the world games. We are going with the intention of winning the affiliate cup. I encourage all who are eligible to compete in two weeks. It will be fun.
More info to come.
5 a.m. - Thanks for having me. You are a crazy group, and not just becuase you are up that early!
No rest for us! Amanda was IN CHARGE!!! We were treated to the "5 am special." You, too, could have been treated to that if you got your ass outta bed. Every rest day with Amanda at 5 am will have a special.
We learned box squats and did 3 sets of 5. Paula and I did 99#. I like these, but you have to get your ass involved, don't let your shins go to far forward, keep your chest up/big, go down slowly, sit on the box, but still stay engaged, then get up quickly (relatively, of course.)
Then we day the second one-on-one wod, prescribed. 21-15-9 box jumps, deadlift and push press. I did it in 7:19 at 99# and 53# lbs.
We were all laughing about how we couldn't remember having done these for our second one-on-one because if we had, there's no way in hell we would have stayed at Crossfit!!!! Amanda assured us it was severely scaled to like 9-6-3 or something like that. HA!!!!
Did most everything unbroken until Gabe hobbled in with a bum leg and I got really distracted.
Have a good one!!
Thought about doing the regional wod from yesterday but decided to go with the rest of the group and do 21-15-9 box jumps (24")/DL (154#)/push press (88#). 8:30 rx'd. Nice wod to come back to after not working out in a little over a week and being very un-paleo the last 3 or 4 days. Nice work 6am.
5 back squats (252)
7 strict CTB pullups
12 pushups
i was supposed to take 3 min/round, but after the 3rd i needed more rest than that. i hit a wall with pullups.
i love WOs like this--the heavy weight makes for a very different out-of-breath feeling than the lung-burners.
I had suspected that my body was probably a little more torn-up than I was feeling, and I was right - halfway through the warmup, my arms started feeling really heavy and my knees were a little jankety. Eating lots and taking it easy so I can hit some TGU tomorrow. FAVORITE.
Did Saturday's wod (gassers/C&Js) used 63#s since it was my first day back and didn't want to feel like my arms are falling off tomorrow! :) 6:20
the run felt good on my ankles as they are hurting from Lincoln on Sunday...
worked on kipping pullups afterwards just to make sure I could still do them without bands! did 8 sets of 4 - feelin good!
Was a great first day back and can't wait to keep working at it!
Box squat with 99#, I've never done them before. Awesome exercise. I really liked these.
7:04-21-15-9 with box jumps (they are getting much better by the way), 99# DL, 53# push press.
Jake- Glad you could join us 5am'ers!
Awesome job everyone!
I also was going to work on CTB as well and did a few regular pullups and then had Jon show me a couple things to do to get the feel of how the kip should be on these. The bottom line is I just need to practice more.