Monday 100315

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
3 rounds for time of (courtesy of CrossFit Football):
15 Thrusters, 132#/93#
15 Ball Slams, 20#/16#
15 Burpees
15 Double Unders

Ya ended the week with burpees, ya start the week with burpees. Eighteen minute cut-off for this workout.

Post time to comments.

arrgghh...... (ha-ha)

Team tryouts are this Saturday and Sunday starting at 8AM on both days. There will be three workouts each day consisting of different movements, different time domains, and different suckiness but hopefully will determine the best athletes for our team.

Because of this competition, we will not be holding classes next Saturday but you are encouraged to come and cheer on those that are competing. You are also encouraged to compete, even if you don't feel you are going to be able to make it out to Denver or if you don't feel you are good enough to make the team. All you have to do is be able to meet 4 of the 5 standards we had originally placed on the whiteboards.

This will be a fun opportunity for all those involved. More information will be delivered throughout the week. You will not find out what the workouts are until the day of the event.

For the CFO Spring LEANing challenge, I have decided to hold mini nutrition sit downs for those that missed Saturday's sit down. This will give those that missed, an opportunity to be on a level playing field with the others. You can also bring your money at this time as well as your before pics. Remember that these pics need to be, guys with shorts only and gals with shorts and sports bra only.

These mini sit downs are for anyone that is doing the challenge and will be much shorter than how long it took on Saturday. This is because it will be specifically about the challenge. I would really recommend you trying at all costs to make it. They will be held on Monday and Tuesday nights after the 6:30 PM classes. If you are doing the challenge, you can just show up to either Monday or Tuesday's sit down. If you aren't doing the challenge but would like to sit in, the cost is only $10.

For those that have already paid your entry fee, be sure to get your pictures to me and to sign up on the Yahoo group. Your first food log is due Monday, March 22nd. If there are any questions please feel free to ask me at any time. I am here to help you throughout these whole 7 weeks. If you have trouble sending your pics to me at, you can also send them to

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18 Responses to "Monday 100315"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. God that was a fun night!!!!!!
  3. Rita Says:
  4. Awesome pic, Megan! Even when you're drunk, you kill it... that focus! It was inspiring as the stomach was several seconds behind the rest of the body during burpees. I will not hurl....I will not hurl..... I will not hurl.....

    Today's wod: 15:14 scaled at 77#. Broke up thrusters (they were ugly) in 3's. I'm so exhausted...

    Today's wod was the perfect way to stop the weekend madness. I was just happy to be alive the entire time. The combination of beer, pizza, lack of sleep, and just being sore from last week was motivation enough to get back on the wagon. Mmmmm... scrambled eggs and veggies with a big fat nap. Perfect.
  5. Paula Says:
  6. 17:25- 77# Thrusters. I broke up thrusters by 5's on the 2nd and 3rd rds. Ball slams and Burpees weren't too bad, but Du's took my a while...just took one at a time. This WOD was a lot harder than it looked especially after a week in Hawaii and this weekends eating and drinking!!! It will be good to get back in a routine and really looking forward to the Paleo Challenge!!

    Great work 5am!! It was a tough one!
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. 12:05 Rx'd.

    First round of thrusters was unbroken, second round was done in 4's and 3's (crappy round) and third round in sets of 5. I had to redo the last thruster of last round as I couldn't get my arms locked out so it was really 5,5,4,and 1.

    Ball slams and DU's were ok; got tripped up on DU's once in 2nd and 3rd rounds.

    Burpees weren't fun.

    Great job 6 a.m.!!

    Welcome Annika, Mike, and Cindy. It's always good to see new people.

    Greg Mo way to work it with the mask and still beat everyone!!! I have to give that a try to mimic altitude adjustment for Colorado.
  9. BC Says:
  10. 16:33, scaled to 98#. Ugh. In preparing for the Spring Leaning challenge I may have over-done it a little bit on the craptastic food yesterday. Between the raspberry ricotta pancakes for breakfast, the Chipotle for dinner and the pint of Ben and Jerry's - yes, the entire pint - for dessert, I felt like hell this morning. It was worse than an alcohol hangover. But on the bright side I've never craved real, clean food more, so my strategy may have worked. The key will be if I still feel this way in 4 or 5 weeks, esp since 3 of the 7 weeks of the challenge I will be on the road for work, including 2 weeks in Atlanta. Thankfully there are about 5 affiliates there and I'm looking forward to checking them out.
  11. NoonerPete Says:
  12. Made a little video of Friday night. Just copy and past the following into your internet explorer and you should be good to go. Hope you all enjoy.

  13. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  14. Great video!!! Nooner Pete, love the name :)
  15. Gina Says:
  16. Today was tough. I finished in 17:4?, started with rx'ed thrusters, but dropped to 87 after the first round. Great way to start the new week.

    Nice to see some new people in the 6am class!
  17. Jake Says:
  18. DNF (9 DU left on last round) and cut back from Yellows to Greens. Shoulders were still sore from Saturday's WOD.
  19. Crystal Says:
  20. Nice video NoonerPete! It turned out great. Awesome job everyone on friday night. What a blast.
  21. Gdawg Says:
  22. BC You'll have to train with Mike g and Dan down in ATL...they are the original Xfit in ATL....kat and I trained with em when we lived there and they were great! And I think they have a new gym now!

    Love the St. Patty video too!!!!! Very cool! And I can't wait to start this challenge! I finished my girl scout cookies today!!!

  23. paul Says:
  24. This hurt every bit as much as I expected--which was a lot.

    12:34 rx'ed. It says 12:35 on the board, but I earned that second and I'm not giving it back.
  25. Eric C Says:
  26. Haha! Great video NoonerPete! Love the name too.

    I had a blast Friday night. If I have grand-kids someday... they will NEVER believe it did this stuff!

  27. Paula Says:
  28. Pete, AWESOME video!!! That night was a freaking blast! Between you, Eric C., and Scott Wattenhofer we have our little own Crossfit camera/video crew! You guys should maybe start thinking of starting a little business!
  29. Rita Says:
  30. NoonerPete: Kick ass video! Thanks for sharing. Friday night was such a blast!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Awesome video! Definitely a night I'll never forget!

    Today's WOD HURT! Just payback for the horrible eating/sleeping/drinking habits from this weekend I suppose. DNF, not even close. Had 1 round and about 30 singles left to do. I was getting a few DUs before the WOD started but I got worn out quick!

    I'm excited for this challenge to start! I'm ready to be back on the wagon.
  33. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  34. 13:06 with 77 pounds. This really hurt my legs.
  35. Addi Says:
  36. 13:something with 88 pounds. The extra 5 pounds for rx'd just was NOT going to happen.

    Besides feeling heavier and even slower than usual, thrusters actually felt pretty okay. Finally was able to use the hips consistently. Ball slams felt better than usual too - so light after the thrusters.

    Overall, though, this was a grinder of a suckfest, and I don't want to speak of it again. Josh has been a bad influence the last few days, and I'm ready to start eating (better than) normally again.

Thanks For Visiting!