Sep 2009

Thursday 090924

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Overhead Squat 5 x 5 @ 85%

Work up to a set of 5 reps where the weight on the bar for your last set is 85% of your 1RM. Use as few warm-up sets as possible when getting to your first set of 5.

followed by,

For time:
Power Clean, 15 reps
100 yard Farmer's Walk
Power Clean, 12 reps
100 yard Farmer's Walk
Power Clean, 9 reps
100 yard Farmer's Walk
Power Clean, 6 reps
100 yard Farmer's Walk
Power Clean, 3 reps
100 yard Farmer's Walk

Use 132/93 pounds for the power clean (floor to shoulder, no squat) and 45/30 pound dumbbells for the farmer's walks.

Post last weight used for OH squat and met-con time to comments.

This guy named the workout you will be doing this Saturday.

We could still use your help with the fundraiser/workout this weekend. We will be setting up on Friday night, the stations, and figuring out where we are going to put tables, both for the food and for eating.

If you can help out, we will have some adult beverages on hand for quenching thirst. We will finish out setting up everything on Saturday morning around 8AM.

I will have a sign-up sheet in the gym for those that can help out. Thank you for all your guys' help in helping make this event a success.

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15 Responses to "Thursday 090924"

  1. Linds Says:
  2. I haven't been in for a few days, probably won't come in until friday or saturday. I think I have a pinched nerve in my upper back or something, but its very uncomfortable everytime I turn my head. See ya this weekend. I should be able to come in early and help out with setup for Fight Gone Bad this saturday.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Sucks, Linds! Hope it gets better soon.
  5. paul Says:
  6. fun morning! was feeling gross when i woke up (bad food, good booze last night) but now i feel like a million bucks.

    got up to 142x5 on OHS and 10:58 for the metcon.

    great work everyone, and way to push the OHS Nick and Eric!
  7. BC Says:
  8. OHS, 120x5. Metcon 11:02 @120#pc and 40#db farmers walk (those going rx'd got 1st pick of the 45#). Maybe could've gone rx'd on the cleans, definitely could've gone a bit harder, but fairly pleased overall. Nice job morning crew.
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. 130# OHS Missed 143 by a smidge on the 5th rep. Nice job Paul and Nick on killing this one!

    MetCon 8:50. Hopefully I won't have to put a pen to paper today! : )

    FGB4 on Saturday! .....I'm scarred

    One more thing. All you guys that hook gripped the WOD today. Thanks for sharing that tip AFTER we were done. I'm not talking about anyone in particular... JEFF S.
  11. BigD Says:
  12. Overloaded my last set at 150 and got 3 before my shoulders gave out. After redoing the math I figured I was supposed to do 137 for last set of 5. Reloaded the bar and knocked them out. Thanks for working with me Wes.
    12:05 on the metcon as RX'd. Farmer's walk ain't no joke! Nice job 6AMers!
  13. Gina Says:
  14. Got to 97 for the OH squats today, but was having trouble getting low enough. I used 77# (cleans) and 25# (farmers walk) for the metcon, finished in 11:35. My forearms are still shaking as I type this now.
  15. Greg MO Says:
  16. OHS= 132, 154, 169, 191, 208
    Metcon= 6:51

    OHS felt good, squat & lockout wernt 2 tuf except 4 wrists feeling lik they were going to explode during 208#x5...hardest part of metcon was not droping weights during farmers walk but was able to fight thru all cleans & walks unbroken...overall good day 4 once...

    way to work 6amers!!!

    ps: Tip 4 Eric C- U should always hook grip, no matter the movement, anytime it is possible!!!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Linds feel better! I can't make it to the gym today so I will be doing a WOD at home. I can't wait for Saturday!

  19. Eric C Says:
  20. Linds....



    : )
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Did 87# on OS for last set of 5; this is just under 85% of my 1RM.

    Did metcon in 8:11 Rx'd. Big 4:30 class that did great!!

  23. BC Says:
  24. Hey Next Level Game crew - hotel info!

    Vicky (Jess' mom) found us a hotel in Topeka, the Country Inn and Suites. It's about $51 per night, per person for a room with 2 queen beds. This is about the cheapest rate we could find without getting a hotel with crime scene tape around it. Topeka is about 2 and a half hours straight south of Omaha and is also about 30 min straight west of Lawrence.

    If anybody wants these rooms the simplest thing to do is get a group of 4 together and then book it directly through Vicky with a credit card. Her office number is 390-0909, and her email is If there are any questions just let us know. Gooooo team!

    I was just reminded about the hotel's free breakfast. The hotel has free breakfast. No word on open bar though.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Brian,

    Sounds good; are you, Jess, Addi and myself getting a room? Jess sent me a message earlier asking me what I thought about room sharing, and I'm fine with that. Just let me know.

  27. Kelli Says:
  28. Everyone was talking about their grip hurting...for me it is my neck. Ouch. I must have been straining every exercise. So got up to 110# on 5x5s and then did 11:09 (or :02 or something...) on the wod Rx'd. Felt good to go rx'd again! I can't wait for the Next Level games! And FGB! I will be there early on Sat morn, not gonna be able to help tomorrow, have too much stuff going on.
  29. Addi Says:
  30. 118 for 5, which is just about 85%.

    Metcon - 7:31 Rx'd - I really liked this one, but I think I could have gotten under 7 if I had thought to run the farmer's walks earlier.

    Can I just do this again instead of the 5k?

Thanks For Visiting!