Sep 2009

Friday 090925

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Pull-ups - 2 sets at 68% of your max reps.

For example, if you have 25 pull-ups, 68% of 25 would be 17 reps. You would need to try and complete two sets of 17 reps. Rest as needed between sets. If you do not have pull-ups, use this time to work at getting pull-ups. (no bands)

followed by

Run a 5K

Show up people, unless you want me to post your name to the blog that you didn't come. Ha.

Click on the link below to view the route we will be running.
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Click on the link below to view the scaled run (2 miles)
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Post if you reached your pull-up reps once, both, or neither times as well as 5K time to comments.

Whether inside or outside, there is always hard work going on.

Fight Gone Bad IV
Parking for Saturday's event will be in the electrical union parking lot to the west of the gym. We will not have anyone parking in our parking lot other than those that plan on being here at least until noon or later as the driveway will be used for various things.

I need help tonight after the 5:30 class (no 6:30 class, remember?) setting up the gym for tomorrow. If you are available and want to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. If not, we will definitely still need help on Saturday morning. Plan on 8AM if at all possible. Thanks guys.

I will post the final heat standings here when I post Saturday's workout. I will also have a copy in the gym. Please make sure all final changes are given to me as soon as possible. We still have slots available as some athletes have pulled out from participating. If you know anyone that would still like to sign up, please let me know.

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18 Responses to "Friday 090925"

  1. BC Says:
  2. Pullups - 14,14 (70%)
    5k - 23:42 (pr by nearly 2:00)
  3. Brandon Says:
  4. I'm not sure what my 1 set max for pullups is, and I've never ran a 5k before. I winged it for the pullups, stopping with plenty left in the tank, and was happy just to finish the run. An interesting morning to be sure! :-)

    Pullups = 20 x 2 butterfly/unbroken
    5k Run = 28:47

  5. Greg MO Says:
  6. C2B pullups= 16x2
    Run= 24:40

    Did C2B just cause I dont think the max i got on that day was my tru was tougher then expected, didnt pay attention to full route so i expectd finish 2 b at gym door, didnt realize it wasnt til almost done, didnt have chance 2 kik in last hard effort until 2 late...

    Nice work 6amers!!!
  7. GregP Says:
  8. Pullups - 18,18
    5k - 32:02 and I didn't die. Not as bad as I thought. I only walked about a block of it. Thanks Christina for running with me.
  9. Jess Says:
  10. My max rep pullups is 12 with a tan band, 8 @ 68%. So I decided to try some without a band first to see how many I could get. To my surprise, I was able to do 5 each set!!! I was shocked.

    5K run: 28:12 (like Brian, that is a pr for me by 2mins as well)

    Great job 6am peeps.

    P.S. Thanks for the adjustment, Eric. My migraine headache is completely gone. Which is heavenly because I have been dealing with it for 2 days. Chiropractic works!!!
  11. Kelli Says:
  12. I can't come today. As I am leaving town on Saturday night, I have to get all my homework done for next week, today. I swear it isn't because there is continuous running...I kinda think this woulda been cool to do. I'll be there at 8 tomorrow to help out.
  13. Gina Says:
  14. My max pullups with no band is still 0, so today I just worked on them. I got really close, about nose level, not quite chin over the bar. Soon...

    As for the run, I chose the scaled run, 2 miles in 26 minutes. It wasn't terrible, but I can wait a long time for this one to come back around.
  15. Addi Says:
  16. Damn it, Kelli stole my excuse.
  17. Steve Says:
  18. If you add bench press, I would consider this the best workout ever. Unfortunately, I need to take a rest day.

  19. paul Says:
  20. keeping up with the noon crowd is no joke. way to kill it, guys!

    pullups: 26x2
    run: 24:11
  21. Mel C Says:
  22. Addi I freaking love you. Seriously.

    Mel C
  23. hannah eileen Says:
  24. UGH! That was awful. My pullups felt good. did 7x2. (didn't have 1RM, so guessed at 10) My liver hurts horribly when I run over 800m. I had to stop 2x to clutch my side bc it hurt so bad.
  25. kahrs Says:
  26. Hannah its not the running that makes your liver hurt, its the drinking.
  27. Hilg Says:
  28. Pullups felt good at Noon....I miss my 6am'ers!

    14 X2

    Struggled with the middle mile in the run......lungs not legs....interesting since I just spent a week hiking up and down mountains in Colorado.

  29. Cari Says:
  30. I meant to come in at 5am b/c I had an early work meeting so was the only time I could go but I convinced myself that I needed sleep more; ha! Now I wish I had gone so it was over and not on my mind that I need to make it up ... but I'll probably do it on Sunday. See everyone tomorrow morning!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 13 X 2 on pullups; 24:55 on 5K. Good job 4:30!!


    Looking forward to FGB tomorrow!
  33. Crystal Says:
  34. 14x2 for pullups. Grip wanted to give by the last 2 reps but made it. whew!

    27:14 for 5K run. Felt pretty good. Wanted to get under 30 min so I was happy with that.

    Great job tonight guys! Looking forward to FGB tomorrow!!
  35. Addi Says:
  36. Steve, you're sick in the head.

    Mel, you're clearly a genius.

    14x2 on pullups - had to regrip a couple times on the second set. First set felt nice and easy, though.

    27:34 - Not my arbitrarily chosen goal of 25:00, but for those keeping track (ME), it is 10 seconds faster than Josh. So I'm happy.

Thanks For Visiting!