Tuesday 090901

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Dead-lift 1RM

followed by,

15-12-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters @ 115#/77#
Jumping Ball Slams @ 20#/16#

A rep of jumping ball slams counts only when the ball is caught off the bounce. This is especially important on the last rep of every round.

Post the heaviest weight lifted as well as met-con time, to comments.

Dead-lift Intro, as explained by Coach Glassman.

Make sure to check out LogWod for tracking your workouts. There are usually two workouts posted for the same date so make sure you click on the Schedule tab in order to post your results for both workouts.

You can also track meals, body-weight, and even friends. Plus, workouts may be posted at least a day or two in advance as opposed to the night before on the blog. If you haven't received an email with login info, email me at

Make sure you sign up for FGBIV. If anyone has any questions please direct them to Greg O'Kief, Kelli Lambert, Cari McClannahan, and/or Meredith Davis.

I have also added a link under About CrossFit Omaha called Videos of Interest. Here I will post videos that I think are of interest to our community that I find online. I will be looking daily for new material to add so check back often.

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32 Responses to "Tuesday 090901"

  1. Addi Says:
  3. Joe C Says:
  4. guess i should start posting more often again haha
    yesterdays Snatch=198lb 13lb PR woo!
    400: 1:24, 1:26, 1:23, 1:20
    Man im slow...and today i shootin to FINALLY get 400lb deadlift
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Did 308# on deadlift and 4:26 on metcon Rx'd

    Congrats Ang on making the 300# club! Great job to 6 a.m. crew.

  7. Gina Says:
  8. 263 DL, a new pr! 6:42 on the metcon, rx'd. Lots of new PR's today, nice job everyone!
  9. BC Says:
  10. 294# DL, 5:24 metcon @ 88# (60% 1rm thruster).

    I'm really disappointed about today. I thought for sure I would be able to make a big jump in my DL but not only did I not set a pr, I was 18# short of my current pr! I was talking w/ Jeff afterwards and he pointed out that there are a lot of things can contribute to you having a good day or bad day - diet, rest, stress, the previous day's workout, etc. He's right, but it still sucks. And now I can make a decision - I can either be pissed off all day and throw myself a pity party, or I can get over it, tell myself it is what it is and then get ready to give it hell tomorrow. I'm going with option B. Great job 6am, lots of intensity as always.
  11. paul Says:
  12. good attitude, BC. sucks not to PR, but working hard on the days you don't feel strong is what makes you stronger.

    congrats to those who did PR, and everyone who comes back tomorrow to get more! this is already tough programming after 2 days...i am loving it!

    DL: 464 (PR)
    metcon: 5:10 rx'ed
  13. Greg MO Says:
  14. DL= 474 PR
    Metcon= 3:42

    excited to PR on DL, aftr not deadlifting heavy in so long i didnt think i would evn get close...nice work to all those that PRd...lovin the new programing so far!!

    Nice work 6amers!!!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 440 DL (PR)
    6:10 metcon (slow!)

    I am pumped about making the board! I think i could have got 450, but ran out of time. Nice work today buy EVERYBODY, especially Greg and Paul. Greg, you sound like a samoan warrior

    Nick P
  17. paul Says:
  18. Thanks, Nick--it was awesome to watch you PR and next time 450 will seem like a joke to you.
  19. Eric C Says:
  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. This morning was great! Love the new programming! A lot of people got new PR's which was really fun to watch. Congrats to everyone.
    301# today. I was really struggling at around 250# and was getting frustrated. But I kept going and got some pointers and got on the board!
    And just so everyone knows.... this was only Shelley's second time doing 1RM Deadlifts. Pretty amazing!

    Looking forward to seeing what you get today Addi.
  23. Hilg Says:
  24. 402 DL (PR)
    6:26 metcon

    Felt good about the DL and cracking 400# but I felt like I P*&sed out on the metcon. Had to do a couple ball slams over...forgetting to catch. I know the Metcon's will come along if I get 4-5 days/week in.

  25. Eric C Says:
  26. There was some SERIOUSLY heavy weight that went up this morning! Great work! This is just one example why we are the Morning Monsters. I was more of a 'baby monster' deadlifting only 272. Like BC, I wanted to have a pity party. But I won't. I'll just blame it on a genetic flaw (T-Rex arms) and move forward. HA! It really does help to see everyone else pickup up such heavy weight. Like Shelly and Angie.

    I think the MetCon 15-12-9 (115# thrusters and 20lb jumping slam balls) was around 7:05. Technically scaled to 111# (no more 2 1/2's were left).
  27. Addi Says:
  28. Congrats on all the PRs this morning! (I knew you'd break 300, Ang!) I've been daydreaming about deadlifting all morning.
  29. Crystal Says:
  30. I'm so ready for today. I love the deadlift.

    BC, I know how you feel. I have been there quite often lately. Just have to keep trucking along though.
  31. zj Says:
  32. I love you morning monsters but we had 2 guys lift 500 at noon! That is some serious weight and Matt looked like he had another 20#s in him.
    This programming is far, look out though Rick is kind of evil.
    DL 384 (PR) I want more.
    WOD 5:08 Legs were burning.
  33. BigD Says:
  34. 353# on DL. New PR by 28# so I'm slowly creeping towards the 400 club. My gameplan is be there by no later than Nov. Seeing all you beasts knocking it out of the park at 6AM was motivating.
    5:24 on the metcon. Scaled to 60% of 1RM for thrusters. Glad I did as my shoulder was killing me!
    Eric, thanks for keeping me on the tabata Tuesdays with situps.
  35. Kelli Says:
  36. Yay PR! Thanks Jen for convincing me to go 10 lbs heavier :). Made it to 283#. Then the metcon killed me - finished in 7:33 Rx'd. Those thrusters felt super heavy.
  37. paul Says:
  38. two five hundos!? BEASTS! i am green with envy.
  39. Paula Says:
  40. DL- 219# PR by 10- yeah!! Metcon- 5:50 with 53# thrusters. Awesome job, Rita!!! You made a HUGE jump in your PR!!!

    Great job, 4:30! Lots of PR's today!
  41. Cari Says:
  42. 273# DL - PR!
    Metcon: 63# thrusters; 6:51 ... thrusters felt SO heavy. Great job 5:30 and everyone else today!
  43. Eric C Says:
  44. Thanks for the shoutout BigD. I feel like I was on Sweet98! (.... Or is it 94.1 now) Anyway, Tabata Tuesday, anyone is

    Also, there most be some freakishly strong OCFers at noon! Nice job nooners!!!
  45. Courtney Says:
  46. New Deadlift PR of 231#. My back was pretty tight after having to sit through a 2hr meeting this afternoon, but it seemed to loosen up by the end. Finished the Metcon in just over 8 min (2 ball slams left at 8) scaled to 45# bar and 12# ball.
  47. Meredith Says:
  48. Ricky-
    Can you email me the temporary password for the logwod site?
  49. Lindsey V Says:
  50. Deadlift 224# PR not super excited b/c I think I can do more...I'd like to see 300# by the end of the year!
    metcon: thrusters 63# finished 6:53
  51. Allison H :) Says:
  52. So I was hoping to DL over 200 today... but only made 195#. I'm good with that since standing it up made my body shake like "a dog shittin razor blades!" - and i quote joe w!

    metcon 6:06 with 53#

    thanks jess for being the bar with me! great time 4:30
  53. Crystal Says:
  54. 261. PR by 2# from a week ago. wanted to try one more but ran out of time. took too much rest between.

    WOD-7:19 @ 63#. thrusters were better than i thought they would be. could not for the life of me find a good rhythm for the ball slams.

    nice work 6:30. judging from the comments everyone did really well today.
  55. Gdawg Says:
  56. This comment has been removed by the author.
  57. linds Says:
  58. 273# DL (PR)
    5:40 metcon 77#
  59. Jen S Says:
  60. 253 DL
    5:30 Metcon Rx'd
  61. Addi Says:
  62. DL - 308 (PR) ... Should be happy with that, but I'm not. 6 pounds in 6 months is NOT satisfactory. Still, it felt great to have a real strength day again, so I'll take it. Mostly because I don't have a choice. :) I'm looking forward to the new programming (even though my body is pissed as hell)... more strength days = a happy Addi.

    Metcon - 7:03 rxd... Angry Addi made a couple brief appearances - eclipsed only by the searing pain in my quads. I wanted to quit after the first round, and I probably should have.
  63. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  64. DL: 272 new PR by 3 whole pounds!!
    Metcon: 6:51 Rx'd at 77#. I think if I had more time on DL I could have got a bigger PR, but such is life. Everyone did awesome today, huge numbers and lots of PR, nice work.

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