Rest Day

The CrossFit Omaha family would like to welcome the newest member to our clan, Gustave "Gus" Everett Johnson. Gus was born on July 19th at 10:18 in the morning.
We wish a speedy and safe recovery to Nicky Johnson. Congratulations to the whole Johnson family, including Zach, Nicky, Chloe, and Owen.
CrossFit Omaha is also will also be celebrating its one year anniversary since opening its doors in the new gym. Danielle, Reba, Joe, Chris, Kylie, Jon, Amanda, and myself would like to invite everyone out to Chris's house on the lake Tuesday evening, August 11th, from 5 to 9.
We will be grilling out and doing some other fun stuff. Please join us in celebrating this huge milestone. More information to follow under the heading CrossFit Omaha Events, in the right-hand side column of this blog. Evening classes will be cancelled.
There are sign up sheets posted throughout the gym. Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible.
this was the 2nd workout in my life during which i actually looked forward to the burpees because they were so much easier than the other movement!
inspired by Ang's 2nd ever muscle up, i grabbed the rings to see how high a pullup i could do...and got my first ever STRICT muscle up!
I think I am going to work on muscle ups today. Yeah I am making up my own WOD today :)
Not sure if I ever told you folks this, but since I've been in Nebraska, I haven't had a very structured PT program since I'm not in an actual squadron on base. Me and the other 4 active duty folks in my Joint Test group just do our own thing and my own PT wasn't cutting it. It was so bad that in May I found myself not fitting into my Air Force blues. This pissed me off to the point that I needed to find something to get me back in shape. Thank God I found CrossFit Omaha. Thanks to all you guys I'm in better shape now than I've been in years. And I intend on keeping the improvements going. Seeing what the folks who competed in the regional and world games this year did, I intend on pushing myself every day in hopes of being on the Affiliate Cup team next year. And I hope eveyone else does the exact same. See you guys in the morning!
But Ricky was right.... you can't breathe on the Ball Clean-Slammers!
Awesome sweat produced today 4:30!