Thursday 090730

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

As many rounds in 20 minutes as possible of:
6 Turkish Getups, 1.5/1 pood
12 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
18 Med Ball Push Press, 20#/14#

For the med ball push press, you may not shoulder press the ball overhead. You must show a solid and effective dip, drive, and press for every repetition.

Unless you are physically unable to at this time, you must show full extension of the elbow and shoulder when overhead. Full extension of the shoulder means that the arm is completely perpendicular to the ground. The ear must rear itself in front of the arm both by a slight forward reach of the head but more so from the arm being straight up and down.

Post completed rounds only, to comments.

JenT and Pete during a go at Annie.

There is something brewing in the air in terms of programming for the month of August. We will be taking a different perspective in determining which workouts we do, for one month. The only thing that will remain will be strength days.

More details to be unveiled on Friday, July 31st. Be excited, be very excited.

If you have not signed up for the 1 Year Anniversary Cookout, please do so the next time you are in the gym. This is a monumental day for CrossFit Omaha and Joe, Chris, and myself. Please help us celebrate with some great food and a few games of non other than HOOVERBALL. Don't miss out.

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20 Responses to "Thursday 090730"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. Way to go Damian you made the Affliate Site, deadlifting machine.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I finished 7 rounds. I like Turkish get-ups.
    Good job everyone at 6. It was a small group this morning.
  5. Greg MO Says:
  6. 7 rnds rxd

    turkish getups r kinda annoying 2 me and i imagine alot of others feel the same way given the size of our class this morn...either way its good 2 mix it up evry once in whil...

    way 2 work 6amers!
  7. Greg MO Says:
  8. Hahaha!!!...thats awesome!!!...way 2 go Damian!!!
  9. Addi Says:
  10. Can't wait for TGU. And Hooverball. And August.
  11. Jess Says:
  12. 6 rounds. I had to use a 15# db instead. You def have to keep your eyes on the kb/db the entire time. I looked away once and about dropped it on my head.

    Great job 6am peeps and thanks Greg MO for the extra help this am.
  13. Gina Says:
  14. 4 rounds, as usual box jumps slow me down. Great job everyone today!
  15. BC Says:
  16. 6 rds w/ a 40# DB for TGU's. This was a tough one but I still enjoyed it. Nice job morning crew.
  17. Allison H :) Says:
  18. Completed 4 rounds. Did first 2 rounds with 20# DB and last 2 rounds with 15# DB. I'm thinking I should have just started and sticked with the 15# because it was definately better for locking my arm out and keeping good form with all those movements for TGUs!

    But I still got an awesome workout... I sliced my fingers open swingin' them for box jumps - looks like I fight dirty (running arrands and getting my hands stared at in stores) with bloody knuckles like that! haha! ya I've never been in a fight in my life!!!! So loved this WOD! Nice group nooners!

    I can't wait to see what August brings... :)
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I did 4 rounds with the trainer, 24" box, and 14 lb medball. I was 7 push presses away from the fifth round! GRR! I tried really hard to not break sets up. GOOD JOB 4:30!!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I did 4 rounds with the trainer, 24" box, and 14 lb medball. I was 7 push presses away from the fifth round! GRR! I tried really hard to not break sets up. GOOD JOB 4:30!!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. what is a Turkish Get up? Im not familiar with these!
  25. Mel C Says:
  26. Holy crap my arms are on FIRE.
  27. Michael Says:
  28. Armyfirefighter, check out Jeff Martone's "Get-up Sit-up" video on the CrossFit exercises page. He has several other good KB videos, too.

    I did 5 full rounds with 1 pood. TGUs are hard for me... I just couldn't keep my left elbow locked! I even had to drop the KB and start over a couple times - so discouraging. :(

    I actually swore at the KB when I was done, which is a good sign I'll probably be spending more time with it in the near future. :D
  29. Addi Says:
  30. 7 rounds... Liked this one a lot. Those push presses BURN. Definitely hit a wall for the 4th and 5th rounds... It got tough to keep a rhythm on the box jumps.

    I want to come in at noon so I can say I hit every class time this week, but I suspect I might be in desperate need of a rest day tomorrow. Shoulders and arms are fried.
  31. Paula Says:
  32. 4 rds with the trainer. I really enjoyed this workout. I'm paying for my time off last week. My whole body is sore- legs, arms, back, shoulders. Its so good to be back!! Awesome job 6:30!!!
  33. Becky Says:
  34. Michael, I'm definitely with you on the frustration part. I'll apologize to Joe and the others around me for my temper tantrum...I did 4 rounds with 25# dumbell, maybe I should've scaled down more cause that sucked. But thanks all for pushing me a bit harder...Love Crossfit for that. Great job today 4:30!
  35. paul Says:
  36. dying to know what August will bring! unfortunately, my nomadic ass will miss the first 6 days of it. but hopefully i can do some of the wods on my own.
  37. Cari Says:
  38. 5 rounds and scaled to 15# db. I ripped the toes of my shoes all up on the turkish getups so that kinda sucks; must have been really dragging my foot through hard or something ... sounds like a good excuse to go shopping! Great job to everyone at 5:30!
  39. Nichole Says:
  40. Great Job 5:30! I don’t know what my deal was yesterday, I was so uncoordinated! I taught dance for 10yrs, but couldn’t get my brain to grasp the concept Turkish Getups till the 2 round. Finished 6 rounds scaled to 15#.

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