Saturday 090718

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Teams of 2 (preferably guy/girl)
for time:
100 Double Unders
90 Pushups
80 Dead-lifts at 135 pounds
70 Situps
60 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Wall Balls
40 Kettle Bell Swings, 1.5 pood
30 Box Jumps, 24 inches
20 Calorie Row
10 yards of handstand walk

As long as you follow the exercise order, you may break up the reps between two partners in any way necessary. The cut-off is 30 minutes.

Post partner and time to comments.

Coach Glassman speaking pre 7.5 KM run to start off the 2009 CrossFit Games.

Monday, I will be starting a new sheet for ordering weightlifting shoes. These are a great asset that will last you many years. Consider ordering some if you are interested in improving your game. I will have a sheet posted to the whiteboards. They have different colors so ask if you would like to see what is available. The cost is around $95 including shipping.

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7 Responses to "Saturday 090718"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. I agree 8 am or earlier classes.
  5. BC Says:
  6. I partnered with Lisa and the good news is we finished ahead of the cutoff with a time of 23:13, the bad news is we were last. It certainly wasn't from a lack of effort I know that, good work Lisa. Nice job 10am class, and thanks for the support. Now, after 6 days straight at the gym, it's time to begin a relaxing weekend, with periodic interruptions of 10 and 6 year old meltdowns. Can't wait till they're all 3 teenagers, that should be loads of fun. Later y'all, BC out!
  7. B3nj4m1n Says:
  8. Teamed up with this BEAST who goes by the name Kylie Roe, we finished in 15:01. It was Kylie's second time through the workout and she crushed it. Great job 10am ers!
  9. Addi Says:
  10. Ugh. This looks like fun, but I'm at work. Maybe I can con someone into doing this with me on a rest day.
  11. Mel C Says:
  12. I needed a rest day...I'm not trying to be funny when I say this but I am scared to use my arms another day in a row for fear of getting rhabdo. My arms are KILLING me. I'm going to do some sort of leg/running workout...IDK what yet but we'll see what's available at lame ass 24 hour. I don't think I could have survived this workout with the pushups, pullups, wall balls, kb swings, rowing, and handstand walk. I would have died.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I teamed up with Ricky and we finished in 13:15. I thought the pushups and kb swings were the toughest. I don't think Ricky ever tired on anything and lucky for me, he did the entire handstand walk. I am not sure what I would have looked like in doing that as I have not yet mastered even doing a handstand away from the wall:( I tried a handstand afterwards away from the wall and landed like a load of bricks (graceful is not my middle name).


    Great job to everyone!

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