Monday 090720

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day

Enjoying some R & R and representing Nebraska.

If anyone is interested in purchasing weightlifting shoes, I will have a sheet posted to the whiteboard for sign-up. I will place the order August 1st. The cost will run about $95 with shipping included.

Risto has created a new shoe model so see me for sizes and colors.

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16 Responses to "Monday 090720"

  1. Joe C Says:
  2. i dont know if ill be able to make it in this week due to another friggin exercise. it is even carrying over to the weekend yea FML. im hopein i wont have to go a full week without crossfit. i think i might die
  3. Cari Says:
  4. Worked on OHS and got a new 1 RM of 63# from 58 before. I think today really helped and if I can just remember the things I started to fix today next time should be better! Hope eveyone has a great Monday!!
  5. Donohoe Says:
  6. Great job morning monstars,
    I decided I need to base line a few things on my rest day. So I deadlifted 375 for 1rm it was a pretty good day. I am adding a strength day each week now. I love the WOD but I feel I need to work more on that component of my overall health progression.
    Have a great day everyone.
  7. Eric C Says:
  8. Fun team WOD today. I'm glad we got to work it in on the rest day. I teamed up w/ Jess, so it was Team Chiropractic vs. the world. We had a slight advantage because we were 'subluxation free' ... and because we unknowingly cheated on our jumping pullups. (so we did 10 extra to make up for it) Jess rocked the workout and I thought she said she would give a free adjustment to anyone who beat our time. ;)

    18:28 (ish)
  9. Jess Says:
  10. OMG Eric.....LMAO. Nice post BUT it was my understanding that YOU were going to provide that free adjustment not me. All of those deadlifts & KB swings you had to do must of went to your head and gave you

    Good job 6am peeps. And thank BigD for being our official starter this am. Brian was cheating on those sprints soooo bad this am. ;-)
  11. Michael Says:
  12. Is it just me, or does the web site not have an image at the top anymore?
  13. Kelli Says:
  14. DT 77# (~65% of 1RM c&j): 9:38. I did this one a while back Rx'd, with a time cutoff of 20 mins and DNF'd (was on the last push jerk when time was called). It felt good at this weight - more efficient :) Awesome job 4:30! Everyone was working their butts off!
  15. Allison H :) Says:
  16. Meredith and I (and my cramped right buttocks) teamed up to do Saturday's WOD. Finished in 25:?? something... I talked shit to the wall ball and my right buttocks twitched through it all... but we made it! We basically split everything in half, taking turns at 10 reps each on everything... We made a good team Meredith!!! Great job 4:30 peeps! Now off to save lives at work!!!
  17. B3nj4m1n Says:
  18. Did 20 KB burpee squat clean thruster snatch overhead walking lunges with 1.5 pood. It was a perfect rest day workout.
  19. Joe C Says:
  20. WOD #2 20 1.5pood burpee squatclean thruster snatch overhead walking lunges (yes that was all one movement haha) 6:04
    I love this kind of stuff. it was the perfect rest day workout. and i def got my sweat on haha. great job 4:30!! cant wait for tomorrow :-)
  21. ZachR Says:
  22. 3 rounds for time:

    5 power cleans (198#)
    10 strict pullups
    30 Double Unders


    Very good rest day workout.
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Team workout with Irv - don't remember our time, but it was around 20 or 21 minutes... This one was a sweat-fest. Those pushups and jumping pullups kill me. Irv was making them look EASY. Wattiers were tearing it up all over the place today.
  25. Brandon Says:
  26. Megan "The Animal" and I did Saturday's team WOD. It was fun, but Megan is a slave driver... Meg, has your boyfriend (the one who works at Burger King... remember) been feeding you whoppers again?! ;-)

    Our time = 18:35

  27. Gdawg Says:
  28. This comment has been removed by the author.
  29. Danielle Says:
  30. Amanda and I did team WOD in 25:14. Way to push it Amanda!!
  31. hannah eileen Says:
  32. did DT. not happy with the time of 10:xx. I stopped listening to Joe. only did 77#

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