Heavy CTB Fran
12-9-6 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 135/93 pounds
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
You will have two ways you can scale this workout. The first way is to keep the reps the same and take the percentage range listed below from your 1RM Thruster. The second way can be utilized only if your 1RM thruster is above the prescribed weight. If this is the case, you can accommodate the rep scheme to match the prescribed weight listed above while keeping the pull-up reps the same.
If your 1RM thruster is below the prescribed weights above, use a percentage range of 60%-65%.
If you have a thruster 1RM above the prescribed weights and would like to give those weights a try. Scale the reps in the following way for a higher percentage of your 1RM.
1. 9-6-3 reps use the percentage range of 70%-75%
2. 6-3-1 reps use the percentage range of 80%-85%
No one will go heavier than prescribed weights at the prescribed reps of 12-9-6 reps. No matter what rep scheme you follow for thrusters, the pull-up reps remain the same for everyone unless using a band, in which a reps scheme of 15-12-9 reps will be utilized.
Post rep scheme or weight used and time to comments.
Affiliate Cup Team Member #3
Name: Jon Day
Age: 24
Weight: 180
Occupation: CrossFit Omaha coach
CrossFitting since: Aug '08
Max Dead-lift: 401
Max Clean & Jerk: 252
Max Snatch: 170
Max Back Squat: 300
500 Meter Row: 1:31
Favorite Lift: Thruster
Least Favorite Lift: Push Press
Favorite WOD: "JT"
Least Favorite WOD: "Karen"
Favorite Quote: "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." Mahatma Ghandi
Best CrossFit Advice: "My advice for people who want to compete in next year's games would be to compete against yourself and focus on each WOD day to day. Take away from each WOD something to improve on or duplicate what you thought worked for you on your next WOD."
1 minute thrusters (95#)
3 burpees
3 strict CTB pullups
Stop when you've done 100 thrusters.
brutal. absolutely brutal. I really wanted to quit. the humidity didn't help, but most of it is that I am still re-acclimating to thrusters, esp. at 95#. They felt good, though--I just couldn't f-ing breathe.
CFO: 12-9-6 @ 93#, 6:47
Then I did half of the CFFB WOD and I used 89# for the thrusters. It was a killer workout! I was down to sets of 2 and 3 thrusters after the first 5 minutes. I'm not sure how many total minutes it took but it was long and hard.
Great job Greg and Lindsey!
I thought everyone did a great job; the thruster/burpee workout looked brutal.
CFFB 50x135# thrusters and 55 burpees= 10:50....I think i would rather die than do this wod ever again....BRUTAL!!!
I won't be there today 4:30 gang, but have a good one for me!! Doing private swim lessons all day and have some good friends in town tonight. Later!
12-9-6 Thrusters @ 110# / CTB Pullups
No problem with the pullups, but those thrusters were hard! I'm working on keeping my elbows up, but that makes my wrists hurt, then I can hardly hold onto the bar when it goes overhead. So I only got 2 reps at a time, really. Kind of slow going. It also means I did ~14 cleans, which probably didn't make it easier.
12-9-6 Thrusters @ 110# / CTB Pullups
No problem with the pullups, but those thrusters were hard! I'm working on keeping my elbows up, but that makes my wrists hurt, then I can hardly hold onto the bar when it goes overhead. So I only got 2 reps at a time, really. Kind of slow going. It also means I did ~14 cleans, which probably didn't make it easier.
As RX'd 4:06
Pull ups with purple band 15 -12 -10..time 8:20 Had to do standard pullups, couldn't quite get my chest to the bar...one day at a time
CTB PUs rx'd
It took me over the cut off somewhere to finish, but I honestly don't know my time was! Just that I was dead last! But that's alriht with me - proud of my pull ups progress!
My hands are tore up! Work tonight is gonna be brutal!
See ya tomorrow! :)
Great work 4:30!
82# for thruster/burpee workout, WOW that took me forever
completed 50 thrusters and 100 burpees, brutal! Great job Greg and Ang!
Did CFFB with Power Cleans at 99# instead. Finished in 11 mins.
Did Fran Yesterday Rec'd CTB - 5:54