Monday 090601

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day

A fond farewell to John "Jesus" Williams. Good luck in Boston and don't forget about us. Oh, and a hi to Addi too.

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12 Responses to "Monday 090601"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I have been neglecting my love recently (crossfit) and will be getting back into the run of things come Monday. I leave for Annual Training so I wont be able to do the CFO workouts but will be doing road workouts off CFO ... Good luck everyone!
  3. BC Says:
  4. Did WOD#3 from Crossfit Kids - 1 min of box jumps followed by 1 min of pushups, 3 rounds total, no rest. Total reps were 80 and 57. Nice way to kick off the week.
  5. ZachR Says:
  6. CFFB Strength and WOD

    Back Squat 5x5
    last set was 250 (pr)

    Press 10x2 at 65% 1RM
    only did 5 sets at 88# due to time

    2 Power Cleans (85%) on the minute for 15 minutes. Used 176# for all reps and did not fail. Probably should have gone up in weight but still happy with how they felt.
  7. Gdawg Says:
  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
  9. linds Says:
  10. 2 power cleans on the min for 15 mins. i used 110# for all reps, felt good.
  11. Steve Says:
  12. 3 Front squats
    6 pushups
    9 box jumps
    x 5

    4 first round
    3+2 squats
    3+3 squats

    Reba, teach me to do box jumps, please.
  13. Joe C Says:
  14. 2 Power Cleans on the minute every minuet for 15 minutes.
    this was such a fun workout. I finally listened to Joe and started using hook grip on cleans. I have also pretty much eliminated my donkey kick. All my cleans felt really good i could've gone heaver but i didnt know how much of a difference hook grip makes. Great class today 5:30!! see yall tomorrow:-)
  15. Paula Says:
  16. Did the Power Clean WOD- 97# Felt Good!! Awesome job today 430 class!!!!

    Ricky's Regionals #2 workout and interview is on the main site-crossfit journal/games- Gotta check it out!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I did numero 4! ... Comparable in torture to the Black Lung workout! I made it through 2x's on all 5 rounds... first round had 2 and got through all squats and PUs but didn't make it to the box jumps! What a sweaty time!! Strong work 4:30!!! ~ Allison C
  19. Addi Says:
  20. CFFB Strength/WOD

    Back squats - worked up to 184x5. (PR) I think I might have had a little more in me, but this was close enough.

    Press - 80#x10x2 I thought this was supposed to be 80% of my 1RM... Should have done less weight, but they felt decent, so maybe I just need to find a new 1RM.

    Power cleans - used 132#. My form got a little sloppy, but this wasn't bad at all.

    Also, I hit a new PR on consecutive double unders. 29. Super excited.
  21. B3nj4m1n Says:
  22. 2 Power Cleans on the minute every minuet for 15 minutes. Did 165 for the first 12 minutes then went to 175 for the last 3 rounds and got six cleans in on the sixth round at 175. 175 was my max about 4 months ago, very happy with the improvement though I still need to work a lot on my form. Awesomely fun workout, great job 5:30.
  23. Donohoe Says:
  24. hello all a little delayed on this post but, I did the power cleans and finished with 214 in the last 4rounds, with of course 10 burpees.

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