For time:
In teams of three, complete the following workout:
200 Pushups
Walking Lunges, 2 trips to enterprise
150 Hang Snatches, 45 pound barbell
Your team chooses the order of the exercises but the reps for each one must be completed before moving on to the next.
Post time to comments.

Benjamin Mason
And thank you Brandon I did not want to have to say it myself.
I came in and did the following to loosen up my back (and make myself feel slightly less crappy about DNF-ing yesterday):
5 rds
300m row
15 pushups
20 front squats (45#)
20 lunges
tougher than it should've been, but i am just grateful my back isn't completely shot.
I guess its a little more fun when you squeeze ahead of the amazing duo of joe and ben with their trusty side kick justin. The lunges were killer and push ups felt great, and well the hang power snatch not much you can say about those.
I will team up with B.C and Greg O anyday. When you work out with these guys you do not want to quit. Great work everyone ele the lunges to enterprise looked tough. Well have a great rest day everyone and see yall monday
Not sure if I'm gonna be able to move tomorrow. I already can't straighten my arms out all the way!!