Thursday 081211

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day

I can't believe I am even putting this picture up on the blog. I am only encouraging more dead-lifts for the Professor. Oh well, he works his butt off.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 28 reps

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12 Responses to "Thursday 081211"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I'll tell you what this picture DOESN'T encourage me to do...EVER make that face again!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. i love it paul!
  5. John W Says:
  6. I went in this morning planning taking an easy rest day, doing my HSPU, and seeing what else happened. However, when Ricky put a few workouts on the board I couldn't resist.
    Box jump (20" should have gone higher?)
    KB Swing (2 pood)
    SDHP (2 pood)
    Word to the wise: Be alert to where the KB my hit you on the SDHP...not fun and a bad thing to do before the workout begins.
    Awesome work this morning!
  7. hannah eileen Says:
  8. John, I agree. I wanted to do something simple today...damn you Ricky. Great job this morning, 6ers.
    box jumps
    swings (1 pood)
    sdhp (1.5 pood)
    Andrew, way to be on the OH Squats.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Thanks Hannah!

    Today I did:

    5-3-2-1-1-1-1-1 on OHS


    132# was a big PR for me. I think last time we did a strength day with OHS, I did something like 95x2.

    Nice job 6AM!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. i did 10-8-6-4-2 of box jumps (double reds + platform and box) and chest to bar pull-ups. 8:??. i don't remember the time, i'm just happy i walked away with my shins in one piece. good work tony and joe with tabatas and ang with heavy SDHP!
  13. BC Says:
  14. Like John and Hannah I did 21/15/9 box jumps, KB swings (1.5 pood) and SDHP (2 pood). 6:46 total. Not a bad little workout for a rest day. And sticking with my goal of trying to make it into a "club" on each rest day I took at stab at 30 consecutive pullups - um, yeah, 15 isn't quite going to get the job done. I need to remember to push away from the top and kip my knees higher. Next time.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I did workout A today, which I can't remember the name of it, but it was 75 power snatches with 75 lbs. I finished in 9:5? minus about 15 seconds since Kylie forgot about me and I had to go find her to get my time. THANKS! Just kidding.
  17. Chad Says:
  18. 21-15-9
    box jumps
    swings (1 pood)
    sdhp (1.5 pood)
    10+ minutes

    SDHP's held me up quite a bit. I need to get my lower back stronger.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 21/15/9
    Box jumps
    KB swings


    Nice job Reba getting your first strict pull-up!!
  21. Brandon Says:
  22. 21-15-9
    Box Jumps
    KB Swings 1.5 pood
    SDHP 2 pood
    As RX'd 4:40

  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Last night I did finally have a break through in strict pullups :) Never realized you have to "pull" that hard. Very odd, but finally got a few :)

    Also worked "cleans" and figured out (thanks to coaching of course) how to get my d*mn knees out of the more bruises there hopefully...

    and did my most double unders in a row ever at 37!!!

    but I had to watch Neil do "Linda" and I was green with envy......soon!!! Tricky had him do that on purpose just to tick me off!!! It worked, I want to do that one within 60 days now.

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