WOD (courtesy of Catalyst Athletics)
10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Box Jumps
Box jump height should be as high as you can handle. Stack as many plates under a box as you think you can successfully jump onto. Tiebreakers, obviously, go to the higher box.
Post box height and time to comments.

Greg Everett of Catalyst Athletics.
Handstand Pushup Challenge: 22 reps
Reminder that there will be no 6:30 class tonight and only an 8:00 AM class on Saturday. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Time: 6 something
Nice job morning crew!
This was a fun one, GREAT JOB 6am.
Also, Addi, you looked like you were getting some serious air!
CTB pullups felt better than usual, though I had to break them up into sets of 1 or 2 most of the time to keep the height. Used 39 1/2" or so (3 reds and a green) for the workout, but switched out the green for a yellow for the last 2. I had tried the yellow in the warmup, but had myself psyched out - by the end, I was feeling really confident.
Then decided to see how high I could go - 4 reds was pretty solid (41 3/4"), and I got 4 reds and a green (43 3/4") once with an approach, but couldn't get it a second time.
I was really impressed with the jumps people were making - when we were at UNO, people rarely ventured to the 36s, let alone into the 40s.
Anyway, I finished in 10 flat. I was on 2 reds, 1 blue and the 22 inch box. I had it on 24, but I got nervous and nearly bit it.
Good luck Kelli. Can't wait to cheer you on!
"Heavy makes you shave twice a day"
"Like you're tea-bagging the floor"
and now...
"I measured my box"
Ricky-isms, the gift that keeps on giving