Nov 2008

Tuesday 081125

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day

Kylie coaching and Crystal on the step-ups. 10 Weeks out from giving birth (It wasn't 11, I got it wrong) and Crystal is still CrossFitting. Gotta give it up.

CrossFit Omaha will be closed both Thanksgiving Day as well as Friday the 28th. We will then open on Saturday at 10 A.M. for a single class. Lets make it a good one and pack this place to capacity on Saturday morning to burn off all those Thanksgiving calories.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 12 reps, or buy in for 78

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19 Responses to "Tuesday 081125"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I miss being there. Oh well.
    if anyone is going to the Nebraska - Colorado Football game I will be tailgating over by the baseball field. I may not be able to workout like a Crossfiter right now, but I can still drink like one. If you make it down I will have some extra burgers if anyone is around. If you make it give me a call (402) 669-3013

  3. John W Says:
  4. Looked like there were a lot of good workouts going on this morning. Nice work everyone!
    Josh, Jeff, and I started out by trying to enter the 1:30 500m row. I PR'd with 1:38 (I either need longer legs or bigger oars). After a little break I took a whack at Christine: 10:00 Rx'd (164# DL). Then to put the icing on the cake I finished the day with 12 HSPU. Not a bad rest day if i do say so myself. However, I will be in Denver until Monday so I won't get to see all your lovely faces until then.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. Like John said did the 500 row, I attempted it on the last rest day also got 1:32 then, got 1:31 this time. Next time I will hit the mark. Then did the HSPU's.
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. In case anyone wanted an update:
    ZachR is out of surgery. It went really well. He will be in a splint for about 10 days (Ang, I'm an idiot) and will be doing PT for the next few months. It will be a long road back, but he is eager to get back to CrossfitOmaha.
    o, and this is Hannah, not ZachR. He's still a little too loopy to type. :)
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. We all know you're an idiot Hannah. But in this instance she told me he would be in a split for 6-8 weeks...
    I did Sunday's WOD with KTE and Lunges. It really hurt my hands to do the KTE's so I was really slow. Thanks for working out with me Gena.
  11. paul Says:
  12. Sounds like some serious workouts going on. Nice Christine time, John.

    Glad to hear Zachr's surgery went well!

    I made the mistake of not coming in this morning and now I won't get a chance to before I go to Indiana tomorrow. But I will work out while I'm there.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I let Tricky and Joe talk me into doing Fran today even after completing 14 rounds of the WOD yesterday. I'm assuming that my arms will feel like trash tomorrow. Finished in 3:06.
  15. Chad Says:
  16. I did "Christine" with the noon group. I don't know what my time was, but thank you to everybody there for pushing me that hard. I'll be in bed by nine because of it.
  17. BC Says:
  18. Went with Christine today, Rx'd (170# DL), 13:14. I tried to kill two birds with one stone and go for the 500m row club in the first round. I was close, coming in at 1:37, but that may not have been the best strategy for a 3 round workout, it definitely caught up to me. Great job by all of the nooners today, very impressive!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 14:38 of a very ugly Christine today, 143# on the DLs. I think I set my hopes a little high and by the end I was just happy to finish! Thanks for the help and support everyone.

    Reba- great job today girl, you did some serious work and I'm completly jealous of your box jumps!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone if I dont see you!
  21. Brandon Says:
  22. "Christine" 10:39 as RX'd +5lbs for funzies (181lbs, I weigh 175lbs). I've never had the pain and pleasure of doing this WOD before, good times. :-)

  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Did "Christine" for the first time today. 11:12 rex'd.

    I have to admit I wasn't prepared for that one today and should have given a bit more instead of taking those pauses in between DL and Boxjumps, but overall it was a good workout. Thanks Tricky/Joe for making me do that one. You are right about needing to do those instead of what I had intended.

    Nice work Alison on Fran :) Good Times Good Times!!! ha!

    Neil kicked my Fran time - WTF! Oh its on!!!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. first i would like to say Allison+Fran= friggin scary hahah today i did Fran scaled to 85lbs and i sucked it up with 6:40 shoulders pretty much hate me right now didnt feel good at all during the WOD kip sucked just sucked haha everyone awsome job tonight keep it up. see ya tomorrow :)
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Well, got lucky & didn't have to do Christine since i did it on the last rest day. I got to learn how to do kettle bell clean & jerk. Boy, do the tops of my forearms

    So i did:
    3 Rounds
    20 kb c&j (10 each arm)
    300m row

    One thing i do have to say is that i don't want to use a rower for a long time after this baby comes!!! This is giving me a bad taste in my mouth to say this, but i am almost looking forward to being able to run to Enterprise again!! (yep, i said it)
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Did christine today: 13:37 rx'd with 125# on deadlifts. I never set the bart down on the deadlifts so I am happy about that.

    Thanks for training my bro today!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. i wish i could have done christine! next rest day:) i did my 12 HSPUs over lunch and practiced pull-ups and did a workout with squats and practice cleans and...other stuff. in o'neill. have a great holiday, and i'll see everyone next week!
  33. B3nj4m1n Says:
  34. Did Christine 186 on DL, weigh 184, 12:11. Need to work on box jumps like crazy. Then tried to row 500m with Mark, completely died at 250m and then gave myself a DNF. Nice job 5:30. I'll see everyone next week. Enjoy Thanksgiving.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. I did Christine today as I had already done Fran recently. And people ask why I like CrossFit so much... so I can tackle these women on a regular basis. Finished in 11:21 (181 lbs) but you can't judge on a first time, that's just not fair.
  37. A Says:
  38. Joe C cracks me up! Yes, I am a little scary. :-) Beat my old Fran time of 5:51 (I don't think it was rx'd last time either). Got 5:24 rx'd. Wanted sub 5, but there's always next time... Way to go Reebs on Christine! Crazy-a$$ box jumps, girl! Super job by everyone at 5:30!

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