Nov 2008

Monday 081124

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Overhead Squats, 135 pounds
21 Jumping Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Now that is full extension. Awesome job Laura. It has been really fun getting to know you and how hard you work. Keep working toward those goals of yours.

I want everyone to know that we will be losing a good athlete for a while, while he recovers from surgery. He has come a long way since he first started training with us and has the potential to do really well competing in next year's CrossFit games. Which by the way, we hope to be taking a large contingent next year, so start planning now.

Anyways, make sure you wish ZachR a get well soon to comments as we won't see him training as intensively until that elbow heals. We do hope that he comes in often to help with other things as it won't be the same without him. Don't get too out of shape Zach, especially now that the sugar bet is over.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 11 reps, or buy in for 66.

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32 Responses to "Monday 081124"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 1. I am so glad the sugar bet is almost over!!
    2. Looking forward to doing Fran soon
    3. Good luck ZachR. I know we'll miss you (and your times pushing us) at the gym.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I wish you a succesful surgery and a quick recovery Zach! And hopefully, when you comeback, you'll come at 5:30 again.
  5. BC Says:
  6. ZachR, with you going on the disabled list who will wear matching outfits with me??? Good luck and I hope you bounce back quick.
  7. paul Says:
  8. Good luck and a speedy recovery, Zach!

    I did Christine this morning: 11:19 (with 198# DLs).
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I think I finished around 7 rounds... not totally sure. With overhead squats it takes me a few rounds to get a good balance and rhythm so the first few rounds I had to break up the 5 (lame) but then the last ones I felt better and didn't break them up. I don't know how to get better at that.
    Good job everyone this morning.
    Thanks for breakfast ZackJ.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 7 rounds even @ 88# for OHS. 11 HSPUs.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Speedy recovery Zachr :)

    What is this sugar bet I missed? Not sure I want to go there right now - with it being the holidays and all, its about my only excuse to bake :)

    135 OH squats - nice job :)
  15. John W Says:
  16. Awesome job this morning everyone and good luck with the surgery tomorrow Zach.

    I knew this would be a challenge workout for my shoulder, but I was dumb and tried to push it anyways. My shoulder slipped out when I was lowering the weight after the second round of 5 OHS (and luckily the weight landed softly on top of me). Nevertheless I continued the workout and subbed 7 135# fronts squats for the OHS, but wouldn't you know that darn shoulder slipped out again during the jumping pull-ups, so I finished a couple rounds with just one arm and slowly worked my broken wing back into the workout. Luckily it didn't slip again. After all that debauchery I was able to finish 8 rounds. What a crazy morning.
  17. linds Says:
  18. Good luck with surgery, Zachr!
    I think I finsihed 6 rounds, I started off really well with 95#OHS(didn't break them up), the last couple rounds I had to break it up. Good job morning crew!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Zachr, good luck with the surgery, is that the proper thing to say...good luck....IDK, best wishes on a fast recovery! Hopefully you can still come in and cheer us on, and do some stuff that you dont need your elbow for, you know like....pistols,step ups, or walking, I guess that is all I can come up with :)
  21. hannah eileen Says:
  22. So, I am pretty sure that I finished 8 rds and was on 16 pullups of the 9th. I, unlike Ang and Lindsey, did only 77# because my shoulder has been bothering me. O well. Great job this morning, everyone.
    Don't worry, people, I will still make ZachR come in.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Good luck Zachr!!

    I am going out of town for the week and I wont be back until sometime on Monday, so I will see everyone bright and early next tuesday morning for the 6am class! Everyone have a great holiday!
  25. Chad Says:
  26. Good luck Zachr.

    On vacation this week so I tried noon class. I scaled to 88# and was 4 pullups shy of 6 rounds.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Oh Yeah I forgot to THANK Mel B for breaking the "magic" jumprope!! I almost cried when I saw just the handles on the was a sad Saturday. At the next Crossfit event I shall pour some of my drink on the ground outside as a sign of respect for the lost jumprope!
  29. A Says:
  30. I am going to pretend I did not hear the fateful news of MY MAGICAL JUMPROPE. Are you kidding me? I blame Ricky. Whatever. FYI - In respect to the jumprope, and only out of respect, I will no longer be doing double unders.
    Speedy recovery to ZachR - hope you heal quickly! See y'all tonight!
  31. Donohoe Says:
  32. Zachr No worries on the surgery your body will heal,hope you have a speedy recovery.
    I finished 9.5 rounds it was a good work out. Everyone in the noon class did a great job.
  33. Donohoe Says:
  34. Zachr No worries on the surgery your body will heal,hope you have a speedy recovery.
    I finished 9.5 rounds it was a good work out. Everyone in the noon class did a great job.
  35. Melissa B Says:
  36. Hope you have a quick recovery Zach!!! As per the "magic" jump rope. I broke it, but it was all in the pursuit of elite fitness and making sure the rest of you have a challenge :)...that's my story and I'm sticking with it!

    For today I did 87lbs and got through 7.5 rounds
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. overhead squats are not pretty- but today was a huge improvement because i normally have to use light weights, but i actually did #94!! like i said, they weren't pretty, but i have to start somewhere! completed 8 rounds, but didn't start 9 yet. create job everyone at 5:30!! thanks kylie, joe, danielle, and ricky for helping me get my bar up because i can't clean it:(
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. I got through 8 rounds + 5OHS and 9JPus at 77#. Close to 9 rounds danget! Zach- look on the bright side of surgery, RX'd drugs, good luck on the recovery! Good job today everyone!

  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Magic is in the mind ;)

    I was in my 7th round when time was called. I was in the middle of jumping pullups. 92 lbs....I cannot figure out how you would get 95 even on that bar!!! Its beyond my math skills....

    Nice work Jill! Impressive!!!
  43. BC Says:
  44. 7 very ugly, very weak rounds. OHS are my public enemy #2 (#1 being snatches) and my shoulder is very unhappy with me right now.
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. Just made it through 7 rounds. Only used the "more girthy" bar, so 45#. Things are improving, slowly but surely. Everyone did great tonight.

    Amanda V.
  47. Brandon Says:
  48. Surgery is poopy ZachR! I hope you recover fast pal. :-)
    6:30 class was full of effort today!!! Nice WOD guys.
    I went with 137lb OHS.
    As RX'd (137lb) 13 rounds complete.

  49. A Says:
  50. So...thought I was doing really well during warm up, only to realize that it was 89# that felt so freaking heavy. Ugh. Got through 13. Only reason being that I like jumping pullups. Thanks for picking up my weight because I am a weanie and couldn't clean it. :-) Great job to everyone at 6:30! You guys are animals!
  51. Anonymous Says:
  52. this one was pretty fun i got 9 rounds and ben got 10. scaled to 110 pounds. 5:30 you guys are awsome see ya tomorrow =)
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. Oh lordy today was a very trying day for me. So I started with 77# and ended with 58#. I need lots of work with OHS. It will be a long battle I think. I don't think I have ever been so MAD during a WOD it was sooo frustrating today, so sorry to everyone around me.
    Nice work 530, oh I think I did 9 rounds plus 5 OHS and 12 jumping. Yeah did them with light weights :)
  55. V Says:
  56. i got through 9 or 10 rounds...not real sure. only used 74 pounds. and since i didn't do HSPU the entire time i was out of town i had a magical 51 to do so glad i only have 12 tomorrow! Great job today 6:30 you guys kicked butt!!
  57. B3nj4m1n Says:
  58. Zachr hope recovery is fast and enjoy those meds.
    Did 110 and 10 rounds, I think. I lost count at like three, oh well. Shoulders on fire. Nice job 5:30.
    That's just the way I live my life, I grip it and rip it -Hansel
  59. ZachR Says:
  60. Thank you everyone for the kind words. I expect everyone to keep kicking ass while I am gone and will continue to monitor the is an addiction. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  61. Anonymous Says:
  62. Made it through 8 rounds and 5 OH squats. I am happy I used the Rx'd weight but it definitely slowed me down a lot since I my OH squats are still pretty shaky.
  63. Anonymous Says:
  64. The magic jump rope is broken.....this is awful

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