Nov 2008

Thursday 081127

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us here at CrossFit Omaha 
(well, Joe, Kylie, Gabe, and myself)

2 Rounds for time
Run as far as you can in 1 minute
50 Air Squats
Run as far as you can in 1 minute
50 Situps

Post total time to comments.

Joe and I would like to welcome back Paul Antoniak to the dojo. Paul started with us way back when and is now back kicking a** and taking names. Its good to have you back Paul.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 14 reps, or buy in for 105

If anyone is interested, Joe will be in the gym at 9 AM sharp to get a workout in. You are welcome to come in and pre-empt that Thanksgiving meal.

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8 Responses to "Thursday 081127"

  1. hannah eileen Says:
  2. Happy Thanksgiving y'all. I hope you have a great day and safe travels. See everyone on Saturday.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Yeaaaay chow hall thanksgiving haha. I did
    500 meater row
    21 wallballs
    21 box jumps
    500 row
    15 WB
    15 BJ
    500 row
    9 WB
    9 BJ Rowing looked like a good idea at first. But now not so much haha HAPPY THANKSGIVING =)
  7. kahrs Says:
  8. Did the squat box jump workout Paul and Ang did the other day.
    Squat 225
    Box Jump. 24"

    Squats were tough. Good job Andrew and Alison.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Nice time on that squat and jump workout, Kahrs. That was a tough one.

    I just did 5 rds:

    10 no-pushup burpees
    10 squats (80# bag of salt)
    15 situps

  11. paul Says:
  12. ....and

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING, crossfitters!
  13. Chad Says:
  14. Happy Thanksgiving!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I did this on Friday in 9:57.

Thanks For Visiting!