Nov 2008

Friday 081128

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


3 Rounds for time:
50 Double Unders
20 Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls, 20 pound ball

Post time to comments.

Kylie, shooting for the 250 club. She has improved by leaps and bounds since starting CrossFit. Joe and I can remember when she couldn't even do a single pull-up, let alone dead-lift a relatively significant amount of weight. Since then, she is the only female in our gym that is also a part of our muscle-up club. It's good to have you as a member of our team Kylie.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 15 reps, or buy in for 120

Like Joe yesterday, I will be in the gym at 10 AM this morning to get a workout in if anyone is interested in doing the same. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving day and now comes the fun part, working it off. Hope to see a lot of faces.

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5 Responses to "Friday 081128"

  1. V Says:
  2. i'll be there!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. ughhhh i suck at Double unders.
    Hope to see you guys tomorrow :)

    Dont be slacken on the HSPU'S
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. did you put me in the picture because you know i've taken 2 days off and i should get my a$$ back in gear? well, it worked. i did a variation of weds:
    42 jumping squats
    42 squat clean and jerks (only #20)
    42 push-ups
    30 jumping squats
    30 clean & jerks
    30 push-ups
    18 jumping squats
    18 clean & jerks
    18 push-ups

    that took a lot longer than i expected, stopped counting:( i'm convinced that it's because i'm lifting a lot more weight for push-ups and squat jumps after the thanksgiving meal.

    thanks, guys, for the encouragement. having ricky and joe as trainers and having all of the other crossfitters working out with me everyday has motivated me so much and i've come so far because of it. it's easy to get frustrated with where i think i should be. it's sometimes good to remember how far i've come since i've started with you. although looking at pictures from the summer before crossfit, i can really tell the visible change!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. today's WOD 14:06 but i did 150 singles cus i really suck at DU'S. Good job everyone on coming in today even after eating like poo yesterday. Keep it up. See ya tomorrow :)
  9. BC Says:
  10. Seriously, I LOVE DU's!!! 11:44 Rx'd. Nice job everyone.

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