Tuesday 080729

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


7 rounds for time:
200 meter run
7 Deadlifts (225#/155#)

Scale load as needed. Maintaining a neutral spine must be the primary focus of this workout.

Post time to comments.

ZachJ hitting the pavement. (courtesy of Shannon Photography)

If you look to the column on the right you will notice a new section called CrossFit Omaha Events. This section will have info on upcoming events that we will be hosting from time to time. It could be a pose seminar, nutritional seminar, or in this case a benchmark challenge. We train on a daily basis for elite fitness and efficient living and while we know that CrossFit works the results aren't always easily noticeable, both physically and statistically. Well the proof is in the pudding. What better way to realize the results of CrossFit than by a challenge, to prove on paper that CrossFit really works for everyone. Post thoughts to comments.

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18 Responses to "Tuesday 080729"

  1. BC Says:
  2. This benchmark challenge sounds great, good call!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. im excited for the challenge. i missed the first one, in part because i was scared. f that noise. watch out libby! haha.

    i think i finished today in 12:39. there was 2:21 left on the clock. im an idiot though, so i have no idea when it comes to math. i did 121# deadlifts since my max is around 160 i didnt want to push too hard to wear i mess up my form. thats most important to me. great job this morning everyone!
  5. ZachR Says:
  6. 10:58 Rx'd

    I think the upcoming challenges along with other events from time to time is a great idea. Cindy is a great benchmark to test improved strength along with endurance. It will be fun to see everyone's improvements.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Happy Birthday Addi! Have a good one!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I finally did a workout with heavy weight Rx'd, finished in 16 mins. I need to concentrate on my form when I do that many reps. Great job everyone.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I am excited for the challenge.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I BARELY finished within the 15 minute cutoff- 14:50. I did Rx'd at 155#.
    I have kind of sucked lately. I am not in as good of shape as I would like to be and have been. I think diet is part of it... maybe stress too.... I don't know. But I don't like to feel slow and weak so I'm stepping it up!
  15. zj Says:
  16. 11:01
    This was a fun WO. I love the heavy grinders.
    Thanks to Shannon Photography for the airbrushing!
  17. paul Says:
  18. Happy Birthday, Addi! Wish I were there to celebrate with you.

    Z-money, you are a beast!

    Ang, you are far from slow.

    I didn't do this one, but instead did:

    6 rds

    3 strict pullups (chest to bar)
    6 BW DLs (195#)
    9 weighted situps (25#)

  19. Greg MO Says:
  20. 9:25 w/242# DL...
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 2:55 left out of the 15 mins, at least that is what I'm guessing Ricky had the time cutoff set at...

    I like the idea of doing benchmarks so we can measure improvement and have fun doing it - great idea!

    Gotta give Steve a shout out tonight - he was really pushing hard on those runs! Nice work!
  23. JimmyG Says:
  24. just made it under the clock at 14:33. The runs destroyed me! It's great to have the 5:30 class back. I'm gonna shoot for 6am tomorrow, but you never know.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. I finished in 16:51 however with the 15:00 cutoff it was technically a DNF. I used 176# because I was still nervous about my back, but I feel better post workout than I have all week long. I witnessed a class full of some of the strongest women in Omaha and once again they put me to shame. Way to go 6:30 class. I am so excited about the challenge and about Fight Gone Bad. I am focused on two things now, staying healthy and getting ready for the coming months.
  27. Melissa B Says:
  28. 12:49 at the gym using a treadmill for the runs which might actually be better for me b/c i can't slow down. Got a lot of strange stares from the muscle bound guys lifting as I lifted and then ran to the treadmill and then back again
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Only used 140lbs for deadlifts. Barely finished under the clock with 14 seconds left. As usual, AFTER IT WAS OVER, I enjoyed the workout!
  31. A Says:
  32. Completely kicked my butt. HOWEVER, it should be noted that I did it as Rx'd! Yay!
    I think my time was 13:56 or 14:06 - something like that with a 6 in it. Used 155.5#.
    Way to go 5:30 class! Steve, you are a speed demon!
  33. kahrs Says:
  34. So a week of bad Swiss nutrition and not being very active reared its ugly head. This one was very tough for me, the deadlifts felt very heavy and the runs sucked. Not sure what my time was but couldn't have been pretty. Good job to Nick and Greg, they flew.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. I love the challenge idea....Bravo! My time was 11:26, used 119 lbs and my back dosen't hurt today :) We had Damian doing the workout so he really pushed me to go faster, seeing him running to the pole and lifting really inspired me!!

    Nice work to everyone at 6:30 today, special shout out to Jimmy G way to finish out the WOD!!!

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