Tuesday 080715

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


3 Rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
75 Double Unders

Can anyone finish this workout in 15 minutes? How about 13 minutes?

Post time to comments.

Announcement of the final workout! If you look real close you may see some people you know.

The Hopper: Balance of Modal Capacity...[wmv][mov]

CrossFit is based upon the idea that whatever life throws at us, the hopper, we should be able to hold our own. Can you make a bold statement like this about yourself? Can you achieve this by only coming to CrossFit once or twice a week? Can you achieve this by only doing the things you are good at? What's your story of how CrossFit has helped you? Post thoughts to comments.

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22 Responses to "Tuesday 080715"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. I was looking at that yesterday, the whole atmosphere looks awesome.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. i think joe decided to throw together the 2 things i hate most in a workout just to mess with me. today was a big DNF. double unders still kick my ass and i could not string more than 5 together. i got through 2 rds + 800 & 97 sinigle unders (i switched in the last round)
    awful! great job this morning, guys.
  5. ZachR Says:
  6. 13:48 as Rx'd

    I was not looking forward to running three 800s this morning but it wasn't that bad. The last round of DUs were pretty tough though.

    I will try my best to be there at 6am tomorrow for the CFE workout but I probably shouldn't make any promises.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 24:34 first two rounds I did 25 DUs and 150 single unders, the last round I completed all 75 DUs, woohoo!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Great work 6AM! There was some good effort out on the track this morning. Way to run Greg! Lindsey, there were moments of perfection in your DUs today. Zacker you were a beast as usual. Hannah, just stick with it and come to CFE tomorrow to keep improving!

    Rx'd = 17:30 On the second set, I got around 25 in a row!! (PR)

    Everyone's invited to CFE tomorrow at 6 AM (@ UNO Track). We will pick from either an interval workout or a tempo workout from the website this week.
  11. A Says:
  12. I started to get nauseous when I read the workout for today. Literally. Running in a WOD terrifies me, and I don't know why. Ugh. See you at 3:00.
  13. paul Says:
  14. DUs are irritating my shoulder, so I made the mistake of suggesting to Ricky that I could do singles with the 20lb vest on. he said if i put it on, i can't take it off. luckily, we got 2 mins of rest between rounds. so I did:

    3 rds (with the vest) of:

    800m run
    75 single unders
    rest 2 min

    I finished round 1 at 3:52, 2 at 10:03, and the last round at 16:09. needless to say, it was a very painful experience.

    Great work nooners, and thanks to Libby and Kylie for cheering us on.
  15. kahrs Says:
  16. You are an animal Paul, either that or you just don't know better.
  17. JimmyG Says:
  18. Holy balls it was HOT!

    I didn't make the got to the 23rd DU of the last round at cut off time. usually I would just finish the WOD, but not today. I felt like such a noob out there. It's good to be back (I mean it this time) but what a day to do it! The 6am crowd has a good thing going with the cool mornings, but the 3pm crowd today showed a lot of heart. Still, I'm shooting for 6am tomorrow!
  19. JimmyG Says:
  20. sheesh, I should really proofread before saving my posts.
  21. A Says:
  22. Welcome back JimmyG!!! Great work today, 3pm! It was fun running on the surface of the sun.
    800 = 3:10
    75 DUs = 2:31
    800 = 4:14
    75 DUs = 2:53
    800 = 4:22
    75 DUs = 2:26
    Total time = 19:38 Rx'd
    Did I mention I SUCK at running? At least I was pretty consistent with my suckiness.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Since we all ran today, Zach J and I thought the CFE WOD scheduled for tomorrow will be a Tabata Row. 8 sets of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. (Assuming Ricky and Joe are ok with this plan, if not we will do tabata run on the track). See you tomorrow!
  25. BC Says:
  26. That was a brutally fun workout. Like Paul I benefitted from 2 minutes rest between rounds, and my splits were 5:16 and 13:??, and total time was 20:43 (I think that's what I heard but I'm not sure, but it was definitely 20-something). I also had to do some scaling with my DU's, 50 in rd 1, 35 in rd 2 and 20 in rd 3. My goal was to finish in the 20 minute range so I'm mostly pleased with my time, esp given the heat. Next time as rx'd. Great job Paul and Ryan and thanks Libby, Kylie and Ricky for pushing and encouraging us.
  27. matt_rein Says:
  28. 3X (800 Run, 75 DU)


    -One rope handle broke at 12 into Second set......Damn the luck
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. I think I finished around 17 something... but I could be wrong. In the second set I had a kick-ass set of DUs and that really helped my time. Thanks Joe and Ricky for all your support.... even though I really hate you sometimes. I really do appreciate all the encouragement, really!
    All the ladies tonight rocked, especially Danielle! Way to finish!

    And don't worry about the belligerent post Jimbo... even though I have no idea what you were talking about!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. DNF! I was done w/ the 3rd run @ 20:10 :( doing 75 DU first round, then 50 next. I wanted 2 finish the WOD and work on my DU so I did!!

    Nice work 7:30!!!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. Nice job tonight everyone, we beat the storm!!

    20:20 - I think my eyeballs about popped out of my head during DU's bc if I breath or move anything after I start getting a few, then I screw them up.....the no breathing thing really gets ya winded! ha! ;)

    Nice work everyone and Alison your DU time is awesome up there!!!!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Hannah - thanks I got the sunglasses!
  37. A Says:
  38. Thanks, Reba~! I hear you on the breathing part. I'm going to just hold my breath next time until I pass out. :-)
  39. BC Says:
  40. So I finally found some time to sit down and watch "The Hopper" video and it's good stuff. I immediately thought back to a night a week or 2 ago when I checked the WOD for the next day and saw that it contained bench press. I hate bench and my first thought was "tomorrow might be a good time for a rest day." But then I remembered that the reason I hate bench is because I suck at it, and the only way I won't suck at is if I work at it, and that's what I did. It still sucked, but I felt better afterwards just having done it and now I'm looking forward to when we do it again so I can try to top myself (which ties in perfectly with the quote on yesterday's blog). I guess that's what CF has reminded me of. Anyone can do the stuff they're good at, the stuff that comes easy. But those people that roll up their sleeves and tackle the stuff that's hard, the stuff that doesn't come easy, the stuff that they know there's a good chance they'll fail at, those are the people that achieve great things. And no one ever fails until they stop trying. And knowing is half the battle (remember that, GI Joe, anyone?). At any rate, good stuff. See y'all tomorrow.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. What a tought workout as running is definitely not one of my strengths. I finished in 14:24 or 14:34 don't quite remember which. And I had one hell of a side cramp when I finished. Nice job Zach R. you must have been flyin.
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. I love that quote "noone ever fails until they stop trying" - just love it!

    BC- I hear you about coming on days you don't want to. DU's drove me nuts bc I always had to substitute until I finally said to myself that I just had to do them and have a sh*tty time so be it or how else would I get better at them....needless to say, I still really dislike them, but I am improving........

    who is "BC" anyway? I am trying to figure that out! ha!

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