Sunday 080713

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
15 Handstand push-ups
1 L Pull-up
13 Handstand push-ups
3 L Pull-ups
11 Handstand push-ups
5 L Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups
7 L Pull-ups
7 Handstand push-ups
9 L Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups
11 L Pull-ups
3 Handstand push-ups
13 L Pull-ups
1 Handstand push-up
15 L Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

These are pictures of the gym at CrossFit Santa Cruz Central taken while Joe, Libby, and I were visiting Cali. Although different they represent what our gym will look like and function as. Lots of space, no machines, and lots and lots of hard work and results.

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5 Responses to "Sunday 080713"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 54 strict L pull-ups? i would totally whip this one out no problem, but i have to drive back to hickville. otherwise, i'd be all over that. it was great seeing everyone!!! i'll miss you all for the next month:(
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I don't have anywhere to do pull-ups and my hands are still pretty sore.
    I think I will swim today and run later.... by swim I mean lay out and walk into the pool once or twice!
    Sorry I missed the ladies night! I really wanted to come but Stacie's bus stayed out west. Hope y'all had fun!
  5. BC Says:
  6. 11:44, but seriously scaled. I substitued handstand pushups with elevated pushups using a 24" box. I was able to (sort of) do the L pullups through the first 3 rounds but from that point on I switched to jumping pullups, but I doubled the number for each round and made sure I was getting chest high. When I was all done with that I worked on double unders and set a new personal best with 13 in a row before I somehow managed to put an epic welt clear across the middle of my back. I like Angela's idea, I'm off to the pool.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Went mountain biking today with Josh, Lisa, and Steve. I started out okay, but this week killed my legs, and those theoretically easy gradual inclines just zapped me.

    Not sure if I'll be in any physical shape to make it in tomorrow... hopefully Tuesday at 6.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. mishmosh of Friday's wod and this one.

    10 DB Hang Power snatch
    2 tuckjumps
    8 DB Hang Power Snatch
    4 tuck jumps
    6 DB Hang Power Snatch
    6 tuck jumps
    4 DB Hang Power Snatch
    8 tuck jumps
    2 DB Hang Power Snatch
    10 tuck jumps
    15 hand stand pushups
    1 pushup
    14 hand stand pushups
    2 pushup
    13 hand stand pushups
    3 pushup
    12 hand stand pushup
    4 pushup
    11 hand stand pushup
    5 pushup
    10 hand stand pushup
    6 pushups

    I called it after getting that far on the handstand pushups - part fatigue and partly that upside down wasn't feeling too hot after a night out last night......

    Next time Angela!!!!

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