Friday 080711

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
10 DB Hang Power Snatch
1 Box Jump
9 DB Hang Power Snatch
2 Box Jumps
8 DB Hang Power Snatch
3 Box Jumps
7 DB Hang Power Snatch
4 Box Jumps
6 DB Hang Power Snatch
5 Box Jumps
5 DB Hang Power Snatch
6 Box Jumps
4 DB Hang Power Snatch
7 Box Jumps
3 DB Hang Power Snatch
8 Box Jumps
2 DB Hang Power Snatch
9 Box Jumps
1 DB Hang Power Snatch
10 Box Jumps

For the hang power snatches the guys use a 55 pound dumbbell and the ladies use a 35 pound dumbbell. Everyone uses a 30 inch box for jumps. Alternate the use of your arms during the snatches at your discretion. Scale where necessary.

Post time to comments.

Reba getting that chest to the bar. It is the new standard.

CrossFit Games Highlights by Von Ware - video [wmv] [mov]

"Another item I want to touch on pertains to a cover story in a recent Navy Times on Crossfit, "the new fitness craze." This is a commercial off the shelf (COTS) program and is not tailored to an individual. Several SMEs in the sports medicine field (military & civilian) have addressed a concern that the program has the potential for causing an increased incidence of musculoskeletal injuries and even muscle breakdown (rhabdomyoloysis) and therefore is not supported by CPPD. Granted, anyone can develop a program that's very intense but there's a safer way of doing this for our Sailors. Additionally, any program that names exercises after women is contrary to our Core Values."

- Captain Jon Picker, USN, Commanding Officer, Center for Personal and Professional Development, in the July issue of ENCOMPASS.

Post your thoughts to comments.

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26 Responses to "Friday 080711"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. i think this is bizarre. cf is entirely tailored to the individual, which is the only reason i am here. i was scared as hell when i started because that's what i thought it was all about, until i participated and learned otherwise. i love that i can say i beat zachr in a workout but mine just isnt rx'd.
    and the people who get the injuries are the morons in their garages trying to do it on their own without someone spotting or coaching them. without joe and ricky i would have gotten hurt long ago.
    as for the naming of workouts being a woman's i am not sure how that goes against Core Values. i think thats bullshit.
    sorry, i just needed to rant. see you at 6am!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. i agree with hannah. and, in 12 months of cross-fit, i'm stronger than ever and i haven't gotten rhabdo even once. see you all this weekend:)
  5. BC Says:
  6. "Commercial off the shelf program???" Nothing about what we do is "off the shelf." "Off the shelf" is boring and routine and easily mastered, and I wouldn't use any of those terms to describe CF. I've never worked harder or had more fun or done so many different things in the gym as I have since I started CF. Off the shelf is the last thing I would call it.

    And "not tailored to an individual," are you kidding me?!? I completely agree with Hannah. When a WOD calls for something that is above me Joe and Ricky have been right there to alter it accordingly. Hell, it even says it right there on the CFOmaha website, "our workouts are scaleable!!!"

    I'm looking forward to Friday's workout and I'll see whoever else is there at 7:30.
  7. A Says:
  8. Although U.S. naval ships are currently named after states, I do believe there are a number of naval vessels honoring women. USS Dorothea Dix, USS Florence Nightingale, USS Susan B. Anthony for example...
    Any good sailor refers to his ship as a "she."
    Come on already. Enough with the PC bullshit. If you don't like the program, don't use it.

    Frankly, in my uneducated opinion, our military, be it sea, land or air, could use more of the Crossfit methodology. We are a nation of weanies.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. OK, so i had a big response written to this but my internet disconnected when i tried to post it. But, i totaly agree with you guys. I was completly thrown by this guys statement, and he obviously has no idea what he is talking about.
  11. Steve Says:
  12. Alison, I agree. A politically-correct nation raised on Mr Rogers, Barney and Dr Phil, trying to bubble-wrap ourselves to protect us from life's bumps and bruises. Meanwhile, the next up-and-coming military superpower who doesn't subscribe to our PC sensibilities may very well wipe the floor with us. Does the Chinese military worry about "rhabdomyoloysis"?
  13. Greg MO Says:
  14. Way 2 make the highlight reel Rick!!..Ur a beast like usual!!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. they are just jealous - CrossFit is a better program then theirs ;)

    Everyone criticizes something about other programs when they come out or even when they have been around forever ( yoga for example has its own critics ). When I started doing hot box yoga there were people who were really into it and then those people who said it was dangerous for this or that reason and I shouldn't do something like that.....

    I just think you have to try something before judging based on what is written on paper.
  17. paul Says:
  18. I have actually been offended for the last year, but I didn't say anything because i wanted to learn to do muscle-ups.

    i think many of the pernicious attitudes toward women in our country stem from our media's constant portrayal of women as mere workouts of the day.

    but seriously, folks, we ALSO name workouts after guys (murph, nate, josh).

    i can imagine not every crossfit is as personal as ours. we happen to have trainers who are second to none! personally, i can't wait to get back in the gym with you all!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. and "off the shelf" to me is more like grabbing a Cindy Crawford/Tammie Lee Webb/Denise Austin workout ------ after doing it over and over, eventually you will probably get good at it and you will be able to follow along with the instructors ......BUT........take the workouts Cindy/FRAN/Grace/Filthy Fifty -- you can do those for the next YEARS and still be competing against yourself for a better time, higher weights, ect....

    Whatever you use - variety is the spice of life :)
  21. paul Says:
  22. Ricky, you make that C&J look like a joke in the video!
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Would love to come in today.. I'm a sucker for the Olympic movements... but I am SORE from yesterday, and a rest day is a must.

    See you Saturday! (Bringing a friend at 9... help me suck her in to the cult!)
  25. A Says:
  26. Steve! Right on about the Chinese. Did you see that China is forcast to exceed our GDP by 2035, and double it by 2050? If we don't make some serious changes like, oh I don't know PRODUCING anything, we will lose our position of authority. Frankly, if we don't take steps to beef up the military and make some BIG changes in government, we are in for a demise similar to that of Rome.

    Sorry I didn't do the taco ride...was still working on papers, and the Crossfit voices told me to slip over and just do the workout. Finished paper at 11:30PM. Gotta love school!
  27. Addi Says:
  28. Note to Capt. Jon Picker: It's okay to be a pussy!
  29. BillRod Says:
  30. Last time I checked the WOD's (with women's names) were originally named after Hurricanes.

    Here is a quote from the LA Times in 2006... "He gave them female names, such as “Helen,” “Fran,” and “Cindy,” because they reminded him of hurricanes."

    Everyone has there own opinion, and in this case his opinion is wrong. Hope you are all doing well in Omaha, we have been talking about a return visit.

    Talk to you later

    Billy - CrossFit Iowa
  31. kahrs Says:
  32. So I was thinking of posting the same exact thing as Addi just said, funny.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I now wonder why hurricans are named after women? Is it because women are stereotyped as being moody and unpredictable?? In our defense, we just choose to explore all of our emotions at any given moment ;)
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. As was evident to anyone who watched me work out today... I probably should not have. I can barely use my hands so the snatches were tough and 30' is pretty high. I could only use one hand for snatches; I fell and scraped my shin; I hit my hand when I was jumping....
    All that took me 12:14 to complete!

    As for the Captain... It just makes me realize how lucky we are to have Ricky and Joe (and Libby and Kylie) around to help us. Where would we be without them? Hurt and maybe complaining about CrossFit. I love what we do, but we owe a lot of credit to our educated, concerned, great coaches.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Is this workoug a hang clean into a push press?? I am trying to figure out if I should attempt at home or sub something else - my hands are pretty tore up too.

    Also is it 35lb dumbbells in each hand? I have 30s but not 35s??

    Any good subs for box jumping?? A burpee? Broad jump? Squat jump? I have no idea!! reba out
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Sounds like a lot of excuses Reba.....
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Wanted to make it today, but my work rented out all of Funplex for the day so we did the family thing today. Second day in a row that I almost puked, but this time it was ride induced :) I plan on doing penance tomorrow. I just wish the fine
    Capt. was there to join us. I am sure we could find some PC names for him to use as he examined his level of "true" fitness.
  43. A Says:
  44. Reba, you crack me up! "emotional exploration." I like it! I am doing the workout at home with my sad little 25#'ers and however high my tie wall is. I think I am in for a fate similar to Angela's. Everyone is ticking me off today, which usually leads to injury during a workout so I figure I'll just keep to myself! :-)
    Love to my tough, bad-ass Crossfit family!
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. 10:20. yah! it's good to be home and see everyone!!! for all those that did not come to 7:30 tonight...not cool. you'd all better be there tomorrow!!
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. 6:08
  49. zj Says:
  50. Hey Kylie glad to have you back but 6am sets the bar now!

    Today 11:20 as prescribed.

    As for Jon Picker I agree with some of what he says especially when seen from his perspective. I'm guessing the adrenaline junkies of the Navy do not have expert coaches guiding them through the intricacies of the complex lifts which probably does lead to many injuries which compromise their ability to work. He highlights what may be a potential downside to the whole internet Crossfit movement which is amateurs blindly following the main site without proper training. We only roughly follow the main site even with our great coaching and we still encounter injuries. I am only speculating when I say that Ricky and Joe think the main sites WODs may be to taxing/dangerous for most and should be extremely scaled or changed completely. Even though I agree with Jon Picker that meatheads blindly tackling all WODs is dangerous I think he should embrace their strive to better themselves, get them some CF trainers and not snivel about a bad-ass naming scheme.
  51. ZachR Says:
  52. 10:07

    just as my hands were starting to heal i am back to stage 1. Congrats to everyone who completed the last two workouts. Thank God tomorrow is a rest day.

    I will be doing the CFE workout tomorrow at 9am.

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