The "Blas"

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I remember when Blas Hilario first came to us, he had been doing the same workout routine day in and day out with no real progress and all of these years of inefficient workouts were slowly killing his athletic ability and taking away from his fitness. He was actually getting slower, less fit, and un-healthier because of the way he worked out. I say this because of the first workout he did with us. It involved box jumps and running (among other things) and he struggled with the coordination it took to leap onto an 18" box and was gasping for air after the run so much so that I don't recall him finishing the workout. This can be a pretty good eye-opening experience for someone who is a former college athlete. Well, if you look at Blas now he is a whole new person, nothing even close to what he was 6 months ago (yes, only 6 months). He has changed his physique, improved his running ability and coordination, has become healthier, and his fitness level is at the highest its ever been. On top of all this, he mentioned to me that he jumped onto the 36" box the other day and even more impressive, he finished a workout that had both running and box jumps. The impressive part about it was that the workout called for 4 rounds of jumping onto a 30# box for 15 reps. Now that's improvement! Just imagine what 6 more months will bring. Great work Blas.

The "Blas"
Run a 200
9 Box Jumps (highest achievable)
15 Pullups
21 Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
Run a 200
Walking Lunges, 100ft.
Run a 400
75 DB Split Jerks (30#/15#)
Run a 400
Walking Lunges, 100ft.
Run a 200
21 Swings
15 Pullups
9 Box Jumps
Run a 200

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5 Responses to "The "Blas""

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I completely agree with everything written about me in today's workout summary. Ricky and Joe are correct in saying that I was losing my athleticism, getting slower and not seeing the overall results I wanted to achieve completing my same "old" workouts.

    Crossfit has literally changed my life and I owe all of my change to Rick and Joe, th two best trainers I've ever worked with in a gym!

    Thanks Guys!


    PS - By the way, you are correct, I didn't finish my first ever Crossfit workout.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. A tough 30:16
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I finished the workout in 33:somthing. I had a huge mental block at the beginning of the box jumps and it took some coaxing from ricky before i got into the flow of them. I also had to use a band for the last set of pullups. Overall, I liked this workout. Long though...real long.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. 29:51... For those keeping score, that's 25 seconds faster than Josh. Not that it's a race. But I won.

    My first full workout with kips. That got me feeling pretty ballsy so I went for the 36" box the last 6 jumps. Long workout, but fun.
  9. paul Says:
  10. I hated to miss this one!! But I badly needed a rest day.

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