Bring food, bring beverages, bring meat to grill, but most of all bring your friends and family. We don't run special pricing like this often but you guys are awesome and we think that those you love and hang out with would be just as awesome so they get $25 off one-on-one's and you get $25 off your next month's dues if they sign up on the spot.
This deal will end on Saturday and will not be held over. Thanks for your cooperation.
One of the original instructional videos from CrossFit HQ.
The Ladies Only Gymnastic seminar is now open for registration on the strength blog. Registration is limited to the first 12 sign-ups. The seminar takes place on September 11th.
Broad, General, and Inclusive (by the way, this was the level 1 seminar that Joe and I got certified at.)
Bring food, bring drinks, but most importantly, bring your friends and family to the gym this Saturday at 9am. There will only be one workout with grilling and eating afterward. Look for the email being sent out today.
Want to try grass-fed rib-eye? How about pastured bacon? We are going to be placing an order for both pastured beef and pastured pork. If you want in, email me pronto. As soon as I get a final number, I will find out what the average price will be per bundle of both kinds of meats and let you know. This is some really good stuff and it is local.
WOD 3 rounds for time of: 1 Press (110#/77#) 18 Pull ups 3 Push Press (110#/77#) 27 Double Unders 5 Push Jerks (110#/77#) 54 Sit ups
Post time to comments.
Greg Amundson from HQ shows us all three movements.
Have you signed up for a donation page to help raise funds for the Wounded Warriors Project and LiveStrong through our annual Fight Gone Bad fundraiser? Visit to do so now. September 25 will be here before you know it.
Don't forget, Friends and Family Saturday is this weekend from 9am to 11am. Bring everyone of your friends or the family you keep talking to about this awesome thing they should try out. It's free and we are expecting a lot of folks to show up. We'll have the grill going and it is BYOFood to grill and/or share and any adult beverages you'd like to drink.
As a bonus, if anyone you bring signs up Saturday, they get $25 off their introductory 1-on-1's and you get $25 toward your monthly dues.
Danielle Baker is planning a trip to the Niobrara on Labor Day weekend and has even rented a cabin. This trip is for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. There are lots of activities planned.
We are looking for anyone that is interested in going. If you would like to know more info such as possible costs associated, please contact Danielle at
From the guys over at This is my job and what I do. I love it. What's your interest in getting involved?
Speaking of getting involved, has asked me to write for them. My first piece goes up today. Pay a visit to their site and give it a read. Post your comments there and here.
September 11th, I will be hosting a ladies only seminar on body-weight movements. Want to learn how to do muscle-ups? What about handstand push ups? I can even help with improving your understanding of push ups and pull ups. The cost is only $45 and limited to the first 12 sign-ups.
This will be an awesome seminar that you won't want to miss. Registration opens August 28th.
An email was sent out concerning the next grass-fed beef order as well as the next fish oil order. Check your inboxes for that email and the link provided to a Google document. This document provides you the space to sign up for either or both.
The fish oil will be ordered on Wednesday and payment will be taken care of through the account you have on file with us. Those interested in beef will be notified of the next step to take.
WOD "HOT" For time: 400 meter run 50 Kettle Bell Swings, 1.5/1 pood 400 meter run 25 DB Push Jerks, 50#/35# 400 meter run 25 Box Jumps, 30"/24" 400 meter run 50 Push ups (new style)
The benchmarks are done. It's time for a change. It's going to be hot so bring water bottles.
Today's workout utilizes a weight of only 74#/53# but the video above shows a power snatch with 120 kilos (264 pounds or the same as two reds on each side).
There are 9 spots available for this Saturday's Clean & Jerk seminar and only 5 spots left for next Saturday's Snatch seminar. Both seminars run from 12 to 3pm and are well worth the price of admission.
Get that attention that you feel you need to improve your experience in regular classes when these movements come up. Sign up today on the strength blog.
The world annual CrossFit Fight Gone Bad fundraiser is right around the corner. This is the fifth one and we're hoping it is the biggest and baddest one yet.
The date is September 25th so mark it in your calendars. We plan to have over 50 working out on that day to raise money for some super great causes.
Some of you have already signed up at and started your donation pages and some of you are new and have no idea what I am talking about. Mosey on over to and read all about it. Read how the fundraiser started and how it's grown by leaps and bounds every year. If you are so inclined, start a donation page and see if you can't get friends and family to donate.
As the date approaches, I will let you know more and more information. Until then, start a page and get ready for one bada**s Fight Gone Bad.
Team WOD For time: 1200 meter run 63 Kettle Bell Swings 36 Pull ups 800 meter run 42 Kettle Bell Swings 24 Pull ups 400 meter run 21 Kettle Bell Swings 12 Pull ups
Natalie (Woolfolk) Burgener - World Class Olympic Lifter
Speaking of Olympic lifting, there are still spots available for the Clean and Jerk seminar this next weekend, the 14th of August as well as for the Snatch seminar that takes place the following week on the 21st. Both seminars run from 12pm to 3pm. (Click on links to watch video).
If you are interested in becoming better at these sometimes frustrating lifts and would like the personal attention you just can't get in a regular class, these seminars are exactly what you are looking for.
Mosey on over to the strength blog to find out more information and to sign up.
Let's make CrossFit Omaha the best fitness center and/or personal training in Omaha by visiting and casting your ballot. One of the stipulations of voting is that you must vote in at least 30 categories for your ballot to count. No problem there, just vote for some of the businesses of our members.
You can visit our Community Directory to get some ideas on who to vote for. If you would like our gym community to vote for your business just add yourself information to the community directory. This is also a great way to help generate business as our community will now have a place to look when they need certain services that you provide.
You heard it here first. We will be hosting a CrossFit/Weightlifting Meet here in house on Saturday, October 2nd. I will be working with a couple of veteran Olympic lifters to organize and put on a real Olympic lifting event. This event will include competition using international weightlifting federation weight classes and will follow international weightlifting federation rules where possible.
This is our famous "Fight Gone Bad" workout. It has been used extensively to prep fighters for the UFC. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The stations are:
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate", the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. The woman's weights are 14# ball and 53# sdlhp and push press.
If you haven't read the posts from yesterday's comments, you can by clicking HERE.
Final Day Set up. It was amazing to walk into the stadium on Sunday morning and see this.
A couple of things: 1. When you walk in the gym, take a look up at the CFO Upcoming Events Calendar. It has been updated.
2. To the right of this blog post, under the Innate Fitness link, you will find a link to the updated Burpee Laws. A few changes have been made but more than anything, they have been more clearly defined.
3. If you had a bit of trouble with yesterday's WOD and would like some dedicated coaching on this lift, we are hosting a Snatch seminar on Saturday, August 21st from 12 to 3PM. We are also holding a Clean & Jerk seminar the weekend before, on August 14th. For more info, head on over to the strength blog, Strength Development Inc. for more info.
4. We are also going to be putting up a new members wall over the next day or two. Any members that are within their first two months of training with us, please see myself or Amanda so that we can add you to the new member wall. It is much appreciated.
WOD "Isabel" For time: 132/92 pound Snatch, 30 reps
The cut-off is 7 minutes
Lindsey Smith (world's 12th fittest woman) finished this workout in 16:22 with the men's weight.
followed by,
"CFO" For time: 60 Burpees
Legit burpees are same as new standard push ups. At the bottom, the hands must be pulled from the ground. This is a new gym workout and will be added to the whiteboard. Who will finish it the fastest?
8938 L Street Omaha, Ne 68127
Ricky Frausto Jr.
Level 2 CrossFit Coach
USA Weightlifting Club Coach
Basic Barbell Certified
Run/Endurance Certified
Nutrition Certified Ricky's Training Blog
Joe Westerlin
Level 2 CrossFit Coach
USA Weightlifting Club Coach
Basic Barbell Certified
Kids Certified
Gymnastics Certified
KettleBell Certified