Nov 2008

Wednesday 081126

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
21 KettleBell Clean & Jerks, right arm
21 KettleBell Clean & Jerks, left arm
42 Pushups
15 KettleBell Clean & Jerks, right arm
15 KettleBell Clean & Jerks, left arm
30 Pushups
9 KettleBell Clean & Jerks, right arm
9 KettleBell Clean & Jerks, left arm
18 Pushups

KettleBell weights for gents is 1.5 pood and for the gals, 1 pood. Pushups, of course, are cheek to floor, simultaneously with the chest and hips.

Post time to comments.

Get in on the caption contest now if you didn't last time. There has to be at least 15 captions for someone to win. I know that you guys can come up with some good ones for this pic. Grip it and rip it, as Ben would say. If you don't know who Ben is, he is the person to the left. Both he and Chad Cox (right) have only been with us for a short time but are awesome athletes who are getting better everyday. We love having you guys on board.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 13 reps, or buy in for 91

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19 Responses to "Wednesday 081126"

  1. BC Says:
  2. caption, "I could make it look like an accident, no one would ever know."
  3. Jen Says:
  4. "Umpa, Lumpa, Dupiti Do..."
  5. paul Says:
  6. 'On the left we see the Gorilla. On the right, his more evolved cousin the Neanderthal.'
  7. Brandon Says:
  8. I have nothing to compete with the previous 3 captions. Hilarious fellas! As for the WOD... holy friggin' triceps!
    As RX'd 10:47 ouch

  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. hahaha...on the main site vid it shows rick passing the guy the video is about....thats awesome!!!!
  11. hannah eileen Says:
  12. That WOD sucked. I didn't end up calling time, but I didn't want to know anyway. I did horribly and only used the baby kettle bell. I hate pushups. Great effort at 6am though!
    I forgot to post yesterday. I did
    7 rds:
    5 20# wall balls
    10 back extensions
    15 box jumps
    It was a great little metcon. I am glad that I convinced myself to go in to the gym to workout.
  13. linds Says:
  14. Tough WOD today, my time was 24:12(slow), but i did it Rx'd. The 1 pood kettebell got pretty heavy especially with my left arm. Thanks to everyone who cheered me on.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. DNF on time. I used the training KB and a tan & blue band for Push ups. I just got through the KB C&J and 4 push ups when Joe called time. Then I finished the last 14 PU, barely. My arms are killing, not the muscles (although they are still shaky), the bruises! We're all gonna look great with the black and blue marks. Thanks everyone for cheering Mel and I on. It deffinetly helps! And way to blow everyone out of the water Libby. I wasn't even done with the first set of PU when she called time. WTF! Awsome job nooners! Back to baking.

    Amanda V
  17. Chad Says:
  18. 17:55 with 1.5 pood. I had to scale the pushups to the knees after 15 of the second round. This is definitely a weakness I need to work on.

    I'm back to 5:30 next week. It was nice to meet all of you nooners.
  19. Melissa B Says:
  20. DNF...4 PU left and I used the training KB b/c my shoulders are still screaming from OH squats the other day. Like Amanda I was on my 1st set of PU when Libby finished-that felt awesome :) Not how I would choose to end my time with CFO but when I get back in Jan. it's on. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and wonderful holiday season.
  21. Donohoe Says:
  22. I hope everyone enjoys feasting on roast beasts...and travels safetly to where ever your buffet is.
    I am thankful for all the people I have met at crossfit.
    Now the wod, bells werent too bad, but the pushups were killer I hate those things...
    Donohoe heading out to Oneil..
    PS Drop a line if your in lincoln for the game. Ill be tailgating with a few( okay a lot) of beverages.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I switched things up a lil today and joined the noon class. 11:30 with the trainer KB. I was a little scared for this workout when I saw it, mainly cause I'm terrible at pushups, but I ended up loving it!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. today was deceptivlely hard haha. my shoulders hate me right now. I bearly finished in time 19:50 RX'D. I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving. Anyone else gonna be there tomorrow??
  27. BC Says:
  28. 15:44 with the 1 pood. I seriously contemplated playing hooky today but I'm really glad I didn't and now I'll have a clear conscience as I begin Thanksgiving early with a feast of Guinness, just as the pilgrims intended. Hope everyone has a great holiday and see y'all Saturday!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. My shoulders are a mess! You can actually see the mirror image of what the 1 pood kettle bell says in a bruise on my right shoulder. Seriously. I finished in 19 twenty something.
    Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!
  31. kahrs Says:
  32. Finished in 22:11. Was tough I hate push ups. Have a good Thanksgiving everyone.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I finished in just under 24 mins rex'd. It was not pretty. Wow is my left arm totally weak compared to my right. My left is bruised to sh*t!Dang! My right side felt pretty good and had a nice little groove.......and then I had to switch sides.

    Nice work everyone and thanks for cheering me on for the finish, its impossible to quit when people rally behind you.

    I made the drive back to Norfolk with my noodle arms. Happy Turkey Days!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Yuck!! Did 20:05 with training :( I guess I will be covering my arms up for the next couple of days! I think I heard that lots and lots and lots of turkey, helps with bruising...I will get back to ya with the results. Nice work 530, Reba..super sweet with 1 pood, you must plan on eating tons this Thanksgiving, and you deserve it after this week.

    Happy turkey day!!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. 18:11 Rx'd... very tough and I am sure my shoulders are going to be torched for the next few days.

    Happy Turkey Day everyone!!!

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